Chapter 2

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(Calgary, Canada)

"I'm off to work, Manang Rosa. See you later."

I grabbed my bento box by the foyer and locked the door behind me. I waited by the bus stop and hopped on the bus that arrived right on time.

I was the only one riding in it as usual, for most, well, actually all of our wealthy neighbours do not take public transport especially during these unusual hours.

However, I am like my mother.

We try to immerse ourselves to the local habits...and what a good way to start is by touring the place with just a transfer ticket.

We reached the end of the route which is a train station. I got off and thanked Jacob, our usual bus driver. I walked a bit and crossed the overpass directing me to where the C-Train platform is.

Five minutes until the train that I wanted will be arriving, says the overhead speaker and the announcement board. I leaned by the post and waited.

While waiting, a group of university students walked passed by me. They stopped for a second and took notice of me. I can tell that they were watching me since they kept on darting their gazes at me then back to their peers and then giggling simultaneously.

I don't want to sound arrogant, but apparently these kind of things happen a lot, especially when I am with my brothers.

Kuya Marcus is the best person to deal with these things. He is a professional lady killer. Unfortunately for me, he already got married two years ago to the most ideal perfect person we could ever pick for him, Ate Samantha, or as I often call her, Sleeping Beauty.

Now back to the main issue, these annoying giggling girls. I saw one of them courageously moving forward from her pack.

Uh! Uh! Don't do that girlfriend.

Stay where you are...says my socially inept subconscious.

Train approaching, please stand behind the yellow line.

Saved by the train!

I pressed the button immediately and let myself in. I thought I'll be safe in my little nook when I saw the university girl entered the same door and sat beside me.

Damn it!

What would my expert suave brothers do in this situation?

Should I pull a Kuya Marcus and flirt, or should I lie by straightforwardly telling her that I'm already married, like how Kuya Joaquin stops a conversation?

The girl moved her derrière closer to my seat. "Sorry." She said in her obvious fake girly voice. "It seems too tight here."

Really?! That's the best excuse you could do.

There are several, and I mean, the whole row is empty and you've thought of saying there are no space. I shook my head in disgust.

I saw her pushing her god-given gifts i.e. breasts against my right shoulder that 21-23 year old should never do. Period.

What is wrong with these kids! I moved a seat away from her, no, make that two seats away. I saw her pout from the corner of my eyes. She's putting on the cute act as she moved inch-by-inch closer to where I was now situated. She's going for it.

I can feel the peer pressure these kids have been having. I saw her look at her phone for some text messages that had been going her way every millisecond. Their pushing her now. Any moment, those girls that she calls friends will make her do something ridiculous.

And will I let them make me become their guinea pig?

Oh hell no!

I heard her take a deep breath. She was about to talk to me when I heard the robotic feminine voice announced my stop.

Thank you my darling technology!

The moment she moved her hand, to shockingly touch my arm probably, I stood up immediately and left her mouth hanging. I quickly opened the door and dashed out of the place.

I took a deep breath in and put my hood on as I trekked to the bus stop that will finally bring me to the hospital.

I can hear my older brothers laughing at me now when I relay to them what happened.

Why does this happen to me all the time?

I sighed as my last commute came into my view.

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