Best Day Ever

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{tw: nothing!}

"Make one move and I shoot you right in the neck." Renae stiffened, and put her hands up. The voice was male, and it had a slight southern accent with it.

"I'm unarmed, my weapons are upstairs. Just leave me to my home please." The guns cool hold on her neck stayed as the mystery man thought for a second.

"Are you infected in any type of way?"

"No I am not." Then the gun was taken off her neck and the man walked in front of her. He sighed.

"There were infected making their way up here so I thought I would check it out, my bad for frightening you."

The girl halted for a second, before responding. "Wait, there's infected making their way here right now?" Renae started to get worried. Besides her pistol and knife she had no other weapon. How would she protect her home?

"Yeah but I killed most of them-"

Multiple screams are heard close by, cutting the man off.

"You led them straight to my home." Renae said quietly before closing the open door and running upstairs to grab her emergency bag full of the essentials. She then ran down after hearing a gunshot and dozens of screams getting louder by the second. The man was watching over the windows while Renae was frantically trying to tie up loose ends before starting her life over again. She ran out back, shutting the generator off and narrowly dodging an infected that had climbed over the fence. She ran back inside and shut the door, locking it. She then grabbed canned food out of the kitchen before going back into the main area where the man was standing at the ready.

"Thanks a lot dude. This has been the best day ever. Honestly, good job." Renae said sarcastically, rolling her eyes and grabbing her gun out. She would miss this place. Hard work went into making this place perfect.

"I have a horse and a base we can go to. You'll be safe if you follow me now." At this point the infected were starting to break in, and Renae knew she would be dead if she didn't go. It's not like she couldn't go to this guys base, stock up on weapons, and then come back and kill the infected and fortify the perimeter since that was now a problem. So groaning, she nodded and the man ran down the hallway to the side door. There were infected piling up by the second, and the man ended up killing three before they got out of the house. His horse was right by the door, so Renae assumed that this was his escape route if shit hit the fan, which it did. So he hopped on quickly, and then yanked Renae up as the horse started galloping, nearly evading a clicker. But Renae got on and let out a sigh of relief. She doesn't know how she lived through that.

"The name's Joel by the way." The man said as the horse continued to speed

"Renae." She responded, looking back once more at her disheveled home.


Ellie was bored. Very bored. She had no idea what to do. Joel went out on patrol, Jesse is with Dina, and Ellie already did the tasks Maria had given her to take up time, and Tommy was nowhere to be found. What else could Ellie do besides sit in her one bedroom shed, and draw. She thought for a long time, and then she decided to get some food before drawing. She went into Joel's house, which was where she used to stay before moving to the shed in the backyard. She went into his fridge and grabbed stuff to make a sandwich, before changing her mind and grabbing a can of spaghetti o's from the cabinet. She made this food, looking around in the meantime. It had been a while since she stepped foot into his house.

Ever since Ellie found out the truth, she hadn't talked to Joel.  And that was over a year ago. But she couldn't just forgive him for that, no matter how much she missed him and his stupid jokes.

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