The Patrol

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{tw: gore!}

The day after the dance, Ellie was woken up by Jesse banging on the door. She knew it was Jesse because when she looked at her clock she had woken up late. She turned over to wake Renae up to find her gone again. So she rubbed her eyes, and kicked the covers out of the way. She put a pair of pants on and socks, and went to open the door. Jesse was there, with a smug look on his face.

"Crazy night huh?" He said. Ellie rolled her eyes as she fastened her boots.

"Super. Can't wait to deal with looks all day." Ellie thought of Renae, who was probably enduring something similar at the infirmary. Jesse sighed, and started to fiddle his thumbs.

"Your patrol partner got switched to Renae today. Dina came down with something so Renae volunteered." Ellie nodded, and shut the door to the shed. Jesse started to walk, and she caught up.

The pair made small talk as they walked, and Jesse mentioned how Maria wanted to talk to Ellie at the bar. Ellie scoffed quietly before begrudgingly following him into said bar. Inside the pair had to push through people who quietly judged, before they came across Maria. She smiled when she saw Ellie, before leading her up to the bar. There awaited a nervous Seth, holding a brown package.

"Ellie, Seth has some things he would like to say." Maria said.

Ellie rolled her eyes, and scoffed. "I don't want to hear anything this bigot has to say."

Maria sighed, and with a quietly muttered "fuck me" from Ellie, Seth spoke. "Listen Ellie, I didn't mean what I said last night. I was drinking too much."

Ellie didn't believe a word, but still let out a sarcastic "Sure."

Seth sighed harshly, and continued. "Look, I'm trying to say I'm sorry. Maria told me that you and Renae are headed out, and look I made you some sandwiches."

Ellie looked at the sandwiches and said a simple "okay" while Maria looked between the two. Maria grabbed the sandwiches quickly and shoved them into Ellie's chest. Ellie grabbed the sandwiches as Seth turned away, and looked to Maria.

"Thanks for that." Maria said before also walking towards a group of chattering people. Ellie then looked to Jesse who was beginning to make his way toward her.

"Whatcha got there?" He asked. Ellie put the sandwiches into his hands and replied, "Bigot sandwiches." Jesse chuckled, and replied "mm, smells good."

Maria came back over to the pair, and grabbed Jesse's shoulder as she started to walk out. "Lemme walk you out." Jesse and Ellie looked at each other, and followed her without question. Maria told them that Joel and Tommy had been out since the early hours, and needed to switch off with Jesse. Jesse was alright with that, and then they moved on. Maria wished them well and they were off. Jesse and Ellie walked until they heard shouting. They kept walking and saw Renae and Dina absolutely chucking snowballs at some kids. They were kicking those kids asses not gonna lie. Jesse just sighed, before yelling to Dina.

"Aren't you supposed to be home sick right now?" Dina looked and waved before trotting over. Renae also noticed and dropped her remaining snow balls.

"I'm out!" Most of the kids let out various awe's and sad noises, but Renae just turned and walked toward the little group.

"I feel a lot better now Jesse don't worry. I already talked to Maria and I switched to be with you just in case something happens." Dina had finished when Ellie zoned back in. Ellie smiled to Renae, and Dina left with Jesse shortly after.

"Do you think they did that on purpose?" Renae asked as she leaned onto the fence that divided the two. Ellie shrugged, while also leaning.

"Are you almost ready for patrol?" Ellie asked awkwardly. Renae nodded, and was about to say something else before she got hit in the back of the head with a huge snowball. Renae gasped, and looked at Ellie in utter disbelief. Ellie was about to burst out laughing until she also got hit square in the face. "What the fuck!? I'm not even playing!" Ellie said. Renae laughed before looking back at the excited group of kids running around.

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