Thanks Eugene

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{tw: almost smut!}

The storm was no joke. Ellie could barely keep track of where Renae was. If Renae was to get lost here, there's no way she would be able to find Ellie. Renae didn't know these woods or this trail like Ellie did. So when the worst case scenario happened, Ellie went berserk. Poor Shimmer must have been so cold, but that didn't stop Ellie's pursuit of her girlfriend. She just needed to see a faint image of Gloss and everything would be okay. But she didn't. She circled and circled and called Renae's name every direction. She didn't even care about the infected that could hear, she just needed Renae.

Eventually Ellie heard the sweet bliss she had been waiting for.

"Ellie? Ellie!" She heard Renae shouting. She quickened Shimmers pace in the direction she heard Renae's voice. It didn't take long for the two to find each other. When Ellie saw Renae she let out the most pent up sigh of relief.

"Don't ever do that again!" Ellie shouted over the wind.

"I thought you were right behind me!" Renae shouted back.

"Follow me we have to get out of this storm." Ellie said before grabbing Gloss by the reigns and trotting forward. Ellie tried her best to navigate where she was on the trails, and where they could find shelter from the storm that had no intentions of lightening anytime soon.

The wind was harsh, the snow pounding on their faces. But soon enough Ellie spotted just what she was looking for.

"The building!" Ellie shouted while pointing.

"The building?!" Renae questioned loudly. Ellie nodded and looked forward as they continued towards the building. Renae questioned why she shouldn't just leave Ellie to clear out a large building, but then remembered that if she did that and Ellie got infected she would cry.

Once inside, the pair dismounted, and Renae immediately grabbed her gun from its holster.

"You don't have to worry about infected. This place is an old outpost for patrols. I haven't been here in a few months though, not since Eugene died." Ellie said before walking ahead of Renae. Renae stayed in the same place, slowly putting the gun away while taking a look at the place.

"Who's Eugene?" Renae asked as she started to walk towards Ellie. Ellie was looking for a way into a room with a locked door.

"You would've loved him. He was an old psycho guy who smoked a lot of weed and didn't take any bullshit." Ellie sighed, seemingly reminiscing on her old pal.

"How'd he die?" Renae, who was now right beside the girl, asked again.

"Old age." Ellie replied as she grabbed a chair. Renae backed away from the window next to the door, and also turned around mere seconds before Ellie completely shattered the window.

"Holy shit!" Renae yelped, before turning around to see Ellie fiddling with the lock on the door with her arm through the window.

Ellie shrugged. A faint click could be heard, and Ellie opened the once locked door. "Had to get in somehow." Ellie stated before walking in. Renae followed, and eventually found a photo of Eugene and Tommy on a cork board. She took it off, along with a firefly pendant.

"I hope that's how we go. Old age. Not to stupid stalkers or clickers or whatever the fuck." Renae mumbled as she walked towards Ellie. Ellie had been messing with some screws before looking over and seeing what was in Renae's hand. She grabbed the things and examined them before putting them in her backpack.

"I hope so too." She replied. Renae hadn't thought she heard. So she quickly left the room to search for things they could use. She then found a generator.

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