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{tw: nothing!}

It had been yet another month of Renae staying in Jackson, and Maria had started to really take a liking to the girl. Maria would give Renae different tasks whenever she had nothing left. Renae found that she mostly enjoyed working in the infirmary and kitchen. But that didn't stop Maria from giving her chores like bartending, janitor work, babysitting, and other random tasks. Renae didn't mind doing the tasks though. They distracted her from other thoughts that kept her up at night.

Ellie had other plans for Renae though. She eventually had Renae meet her friends.

Cat was fun, she did Ellie's tattoo- which is incredibly impressive- and Ellie told Renae one night how the two used to date. That also led to Ellie coming out to Renae, which wasn't as shocking to the other teen as she expected. Renae lent her support while internally screaming with joy. This was big for Renae. The girl never wanted to label herself when it came to her sexuality. She was just a mere 12 year old when she found out how she felt about liking girls. And it scared her. She found out when she got a crush on her roommate in the firefly base camp. Her name was Morgan. And she was 13. Renae was too gullible at the time, and Morgan knew this. Since Morgan, Renae had never felt any type of romantic feelings for anyone- until she met Ellie. Renae was fascinated by Ellie. And even though Renae wouldn't admit it, she was starting to develop a crush.

Jesse was your average guy. He was kind of cocky, but he was also incredibly kind when he wanted to be. Renae could see the two of them being close friends.

And then there was Dina. Dina was Ellie's best friend, and Jesse's on and off girlfriend (according to Ellie). Dina didn't really like Renae- at least at first.

The first time Dina met Renae was while Renae was working a shift in the infirmary. Dina had gotten assigned against her will to help out in there, and was acting awful towards some of the other staff. So, Renae told Dina to either change how she was acting, or go to Maria instead because the anger she was directing was upsetting the patients. Dina did not like this. She scoffed, and stormed off. Renae thought that that was the end of it. Until Maria assigned Renae and Dina on a patrol together a week later.

At first the two were both dreading it. They didn't talk, and internally listed off annoyances about the other. Until Renae started to hum a tune that Dina knew quite well.

"I didn't know that anyone else listened to that song." Dina said quietly, while slowing down her riding speed to be on par with Renae's.

Renae smiled, before speaking. "I found a CD in a music shop before I came to Jackson. It had a bunch of songs from the 90's on it, and that one was my favorite." The song they were talking about was Genie in a Bottle by Christina Aguilera. Then for the next two patrols they had together they would discuss their favorite music, which melded into other interests, which eventually had them talking about everyday life. Dina and Renae considered each other friends. But that didn't mean that they didn't have issues with each other. Dina seemed to have a slight issue whenever Renae would bring up Ellie. She would immediately either change the topic or scoff and walk away until Renae apologized. Renae learned very quickly how Dina reacted to things.

One night, Ellie and Renae were watching a movie with Joel, and then the door knocked. The pair did rock paper scissors to decide who would open the door, but Joel beat them to it and opened it to a tear filled Dina. The pair ran up, and ushered her to Renae's room. Dina sat on her bed, then laid down, curled into a ball, and cried.

"He just got so upset at me and stormed out. I think this time it's for good." Dina said, starting to sob harder. Ellie and Renae didn't know what to do.

Renae had a plan. She laid next to Dina, and hugged her side. Dina scooted in, still sobbing- and eventually Ellie also joined in. After about twenty minutes of the makeshift spooning, Dina's crying slowed, and then stopped. She had fallen asleep. Ellie and Renae looked at each other, before slowly creeping away from the soundly asleep girl on the bed. Renae covered her with a light blanket, and then they shut the door and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Joel was sitting at the table with a cup of water, with a look of concern adorning his face.

"Is she alright?" He asked lowly, before taking a sip of water.

"Jesse and her broke up." Ellie said. Renae sat down next to Joel at the table, and set her hands in front of her on the table.

"Again?" The pair nodded. Ellie leaned against the wall, before taking off for the shed. Ellie still hadn't fully forgiven Joel for what happened, but Renae would catch Ellie sneaking into the house to hang out with the two of them frequently. She would always give the excuse though that 'she was just there to make Renae feel more welcome'. But Renae knew that whatever they had went through wasn't enough to completely tarnish the bond between the two.

So, as Ellie left the house, Renae and Joel chatted until the late night had settled in. After a while Renae yawned and yawned until it was undeniable that she had to sleep. So with a pat on her back and a glass in the sink, Joel was off to bed. Renae sat for a little while longer before going up to her room, and changing quickly into a pair of athletic shorts and a tank top, then pushing the sleeping form of Dina over so she would have room to sleep as well.

shrub speaks!

i know a lot of fanfics usually make dina like the jealous friend and make her like a classic bitch but like i love dina too much i can't do it so this is the best i could do so we just have to make it work hehehehe (also the juicy stuff will start soon i just have to get the buildup)

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