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The target is 20 for this one , you can do it right ? (>'-'<)

I am convinced RM reads my story , I started a book just 2 days back which has a lot of references form spring and song spring day and today he posted on insta that it is definitely spring . I know RM you read my stories just tell me your i'd already ε=ε=ε=(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

?? : What did that bastard do to my bunny ?

Jin : Aishh stop shouting , my ears are gonna bleed . He is yoongi's ex . Earlier he moved into our house but then things didn't end up well with him and jung kook and now he again blackmailed Kookie and tortured him for about a week .

?? : Wowww you are so crisp and to the point he spoke sarcastically , explain in detail dumbo . And I am having my own part with him before you .

Jin : Aishh , that is why I wasn't telling you . he blurted knowing very well if he does something , Jackson wouldn't probably be alive .

?? : SEOKJIN . he didn't shout or yell but his voice was so stern that Jin just gave in and started narrating what happened with Jackson and jung kook in past .

All of the Kim brothers were seated in the living room , waiting for the one person who was able to change their meow hyung . Yoongi having a boyfriend was very shocking for everyone as he was the only one who didn't believe in such things . Yoongi had already told them about his boyfriend but they had never met him nor seen his pic , when today he dropped a bomb on everyone saying that his boyfriend is moving into their house . At first , it was a whole chaos as Jin was shouting and giving instructions to everyone as to how the house should be perfect .

Jin : Jung kook ah you go and see if the guest room needs something or not .

when Yoongi asked " Hyung guestroom ? For whom ? " jin replied " Are you so excited that you lost your memory ? Of course jackson .

Yoongi : Oh hyung , he can sl-sleep in my r-room only . He stuttered because of how shy he was feeling saying this , all brothers cooed thinking how cute and lovesick their brother was .

Namjoon : Hyung did you both already have he was about to complete his sentence when a flying pillow came on his face and a flustered shout from Yoongi " Yahh you punk , jung kook is here . Don't you know he is still a kid . "

Of course , he used jung kook as a shield , everyone knew he was just too shy but then the mochi chirped " Hyung you are a bottom or and he also was not able to complete his sentence when

Yoongi started running behind him with Jin's pink slipper when again a shout was heard and this time the person could complete his sentence and it was from jung kook " I am sure Hyung is a bottom after all , he was acting so lovesick and all loved dovey "

Jin : You bitches , spoiled my innocent baby . kookie who told you all this ? he asked changing to his eomma mode .

Jungkook smirked looking at his hyungs and in a very cute and innocent way said " Hyungiee , najooniee and jiminiee hyung told me about it "

and then what , now was running too behind them . Finally , after getting all tired they threw themselves on the couch and waited for Jackson to arrive .

In about 15 minutes the said man finally arrived and everyone loved his company , especially jung kook as both of them loved banana milk more than anything .

Jackson : Hyung can you please tell me where is my room ? I want to rest for some time .

Jimin : Oh their is no need for that hyung , yoonie hyung especially prepared his room for you . But I had a question , You are a

Yoongi knew what Jimin was gonna ask so he immediately held his mouth and in a nervous tone asked jung kook to show the room to Jackson which the younger happily compiled .

It was all going good , everyone was getting along really well . They all thought Jackson to be a good guy and thought how awesome their brother's choice was .

Most of the time jung kook would hang out with Jackson , which the second youngest minded a lot . Why ? Because he was jealous and though everyone thing was normal he just didn't get good vibes from him .

It was euphoric for everyone , Yoongi was so damn serious about the relationship that he had even discussed about getting engaged with Jackson to which the latter gladly agreed . After having a discussion with everyone they decided to conduct the engagement ceremony after a week , on Yoongi's birthday .

How he didn't know he was ruining the day and would forever hate this birthday after that .

The 6 days before the engagement were blissful too . In most of their shopping jung kook had tagged along while others were busy with the preparation .

But on the day of the engagement when they were just about to exchange the rings taehyung came running with his tears-stained face and shouted frantically " Hy-hyung , jung kook is missing . I searched f-for him everywhere he is n-not there "

Jin : Tae calm down , he must be here only . he spoke while rubbing the younger's back to calm him down .

Tae hyung : Hyung he is not here , i searched everywhere . Even his phone is unreachable . I-I le-let's just search him fi-first pleas e.

Seeing the situation Jackson came forward and said ," taehyung ah stop crying . Let's search him up , okay ? Now stop crying . You and jimin check here once again while we take out the cars ,okay ? "

Yoongi was so proud , thinking how much his love of life cares for his family that he was ready to leave the engagement in between but only if he knew .

Leaving the engagement unfinished , they all left to search for the bunny . They couldn't file missing report as it was only a few hours since he was missing . It was around 3 hours now since they were searching for Jungkook while Jimin kept crying in taehyung's arms worried for their brother . he was still a teenager at that time after all .

Jackson kept guiding them wrongly which they blindly followed , until when jin finally received a call . A much anticipated one .

Man : Sir i found out jung kook's where abouts . Come fast .

What do you think would have happened ? Ps Jackson hasn't kidnapped him or held him captive . And i know this chapter is lame and kinda sucks . Sorry for that !

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