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The upcoming days weren't easy for any of the brothers, especially Jin . All of them had some inner battle going on in their mind , which was not helping with the situation with Jungkook at all . They had so much on their plate, that most of them forgot something important which only god knows what will cost them later ( lol I know too ).

Jungkook's replies still included words like sorry, thank you, please. It's not like he was acting this way intentionally to make his hyung feel guilty or worse than they already were. But that's how he emerged after constant torture for 3 months, and that was only natural of him .

If he did not say please after requesting something, then everyone could see the shiver in his hands or the way he would keep apologizing for the slightest mistake .

Jin was unknowingly punishing himself by starving as he had frightened his brother to the point, where he would appear robotic but would only show emotions whenever he did not follow his commands. This was the only thing that separated Jungkook from a robot at the moment.

As much as ironic or weird as it sounds , that's what exactly was happening .

Jin was cooking, but it felt like another morning filled with regret. Jungkook came with messy hair to drink water , still not forgetting to wish his hyung .

JungKook : Good Morning Hyung .

Jin: Good morning, darling. Are you hungry? Breakfast is almost ready.

Jungkook shook his head and spoke "I only came to drink water, hyung. Thank you for asking!"

Suddenly, a sound of breaking glass was heard, followed by a heartwrenching apology. It seemed that Jungkook had accidentally dropped the glass he was holding, and the sound of the shattering glass was accompanied by the sound of Jin's heart breaking with regret and agony.

Jungkook : I am so so...sorry hy...hyung I didn't me...mean to break i...it , I..if you want I-I will again wo...work to p...pay for this but but pl...please no punishment hy...hyung pl...please no punishment .

Jin was struck with confusion and emotion, rendering him unable to move after hearing the heart-wrenching words from his brother. Without hesitation, Jungkook fell to his knees,right above the broken glass shreads pleading with his hyung to spare him from punishment.

Jin remained quiet, feeling disappointed in himself. He carefully lifted Jungkook and took him from the kitchen to the living room.

Barely any words were exchanged between the two as Jin treated the wounds on the younger's knees. Soon the others were down too and saw the younger's injured knees .

Taehyung : Baby , how did you get injured ? with concern and worry .

Before Jin could say or say anything about the situation Jungkook spoke up " Hyung I accidentally fell on the glass , sorry for breaking it "Before Taehyung could interrogate him more Jungkook again spoke " I am going to my room and change , excuse me please " and left for his room , Leaving behind his hyungs who still didn't know how to mend up their actions.

The night Jin decided to confront Jungkook only for the younger to finally outburst .

Jin : Jungkook I know you didn't want to be sent to the hostel but please stop talking like this with all of us . He wanted it to come out as a plead but rather it came out as an order, especially for Jungkook.

Jungkook : REALLY HYUNG .After all this, you expect me to normal ? Heck you think that I am acting to talk this way ? No hyung I am not . Let me make it very clear to you , I am NOT . You sent me there so that I could have better values right ? See hyung they did exactly that , now I start panicking if I say a single sentence without saying please or thank you . You think I like it ? No I don't hyung , do you think I like how I am always panicking about small things ? I don't hyung I don't . He let out a big sigh after ranting nonstop, not allowing anyone else to speak. He then proceeded to continue talking without giving anyone else a chance to contribute, removing his shirt in the process revealing all the ugly bruises lingering over his body as if it was some canvas and they were some colors spread mindlessly .

Not just this hyung , You don't see all the bruises I have got over my body now do you ? Do you think I like how ugly my body looks , I don't hyung I don't . Not even a bit . And you know whose fault it is ? Just yours , all bullying , all the torture I had gone through is just because you .

I Hope now I am the way you wanted me to be Hyung , don't regret it .

With tears running down his face , he dashed off to his room slamming the door in between . It was supposed to be for all his hyungs , but again came out just for his eldest . Even before Jin could stop the words from breaking his heart more , he could hear his other brother shouting at him .

Taehyung : Hyung how could you be so careless , if you sent him there you should have at least made sure he wasn't being bullied . DAMN IT ! You see how he is now and did you even look at his

He however didn't continue realising what he was doing but the damage was done , way intense to get fixed now .Taehyung frantically fumbled over his words to apologize for whatever bullshit he said .

Taehyung : Hy..hyung I didn't me..mean it that w..way

Jin cut him off with a smile and spoke " It's okay tae I get what you mean , just give me some time , hmm "

And then he left for the younger's room .

The whole night Jin spent outside jungkook's room weeping and crying in the cold for him to at least open the door if not talk to him , his fever just worsening as time passed by . Jungkook could hear his hyung crying but his own inner dilemma didn't let him get to his hyung .

On one hand in the mansion one brother was weeping while the other was planning destruction.

?? : When will I get it ?

Jimin : It's almost done I will give it to you by tomorrow evening .

A small update I guess because I had a break between my exams and was bored af , But I am angry at you all , it is barely 50 votes on the last 2 chapters . You don't love your author nim now ? (┬┬﹏┬┬)

But still, I have a task for you , can you all do it ?

180 followers by 8 august ?

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