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" Ahh my dear child , we actually don't have any ropes but what if you run away from your uncle . How about instead of tying , I nail your hands ? "

Jin shuddered with just the words , he could feel the adrenaline rushing in every drop of his blood , he couldn't even imagine the amount of immense pain he would feel once Mr Choi actually did that to him . Yet on the outside, he showed no sign of fear which would satisfy Mr Choi .

" And more thing Jin , I of course can't see you begging me or in pain so the moment you shout or ask to stop I will stop all this, hmm ? And then of course your brothers won't get the file. " Jin whimpered as Mr. Choi's cruel words slowly broke something already broken beyond repair . Jin couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness as he watched his once-solid foundation crumble before him all because of ? The brothers who hated him !!

" Guards get to work " ordered Mr. Choi, as the two guards approached Jin . Oh how badly he wanted to protect himself from all this , how badly he wanted his life to be painless and happy for once . And oh ! how badly he cursed his faith .

The guards came forward and both at the same time kept the nail on Jin's hands right behind his knuckles and then hammered it once at the same time . The pain was so overwhelming, that the loud scream that followed made the guards pity him . They couldn't help but feel remorseful as they halted their progress. Maybe even Mr. Choi felt the slightly bad and showed some mercy he could bestow upon him and spoke " Ahhh I will let you voice out but just this time , and you guys better not stop "

Feeling intimidated by his cold tone the guards quietly obeyed and started doing what they were doing . Jin could feel his skin get torn apart as the nail pierced through his skin making blood flow out painfully .

" Pl...please it hurts I a...am so sorry " He wasn't even sure why was he saying sorry , but he was and he couldn't explain why .Everything seemed illogical .

The guards continued doing their work as they hammered the nail for about 3-4 times more , and the nail was completely covered with Jin's blood as the nail slowly made its way from Jin's hand to the wood of the chair . By the time it was done , Jin's throat felt dry yet his eyes leaked water . His hands , he couldn't even feel them . The pain was so overly numbing that he barely felt his hands now but the agonizing torture of Mr. Choi didn't stop .

See something like this , but it was over his palms on the knuckles' side ! Lol not me copying this pic from my own story

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See something like this , but it was over his palms on the knuckles' side ! Lol not me copying this pic from my own story .

Mr. Choi did give him a break of 5 minutes , but then again . Nothing lasts forever , just like his brother's love for him and just like those 5 minutes without more torture but with the throbbing and nerve-wrenching pain .

" So sweet you are my Jinnie , doing all this to earn the forgiveness of your brother . How about I add more sweetness,hmm ? That would be great , How about we pour some honey over you ? "At that moment, Jin looked up at the man with weak and hollow eyes. He couldn't understand how honey could hurt him, but the man in front of him was unpredictable. If he could make his brothers hurt him, then this mere honey was nothing.

" And you aren't allowed to voice out now " spoke Mr Choi sternly .

Soon he could feel the thick vicious liquid flowing all over him He closed his eyes to avoid the thick, viscous liquid that was flowing all over him, starting from his hair and covering his entire body.

As the honey passed through his nailed hands , thankfully it didn't cause him any extra burn or pain and he was more than grateful for that . Maybe another few minutes without more pain , he thought .

But again that was short-lived as intense discomfort coursed through his body as swarms of honey bees surrounded him, relentlessly inflicting their venomous stings while eating the honey off . He was horrified at knowing what had happened to him . It was almost a hundred honey bees that were now buzzing on his honey-coated body

He couldn't even bite his lips to contain his screams as that would probably make him swallow a bee . All he could do was , sit there with aching hands , stinging body and try his best to control his screams and pleas while thinking about his brothers .

The torture of the bees continued for almost 3 hours , until most of the honey was wiped off his body by them . Mr Choi had left 3 minutes back and came back as soon as he was informed that he was all ready to face the next torture and Mr. Choi was all ready to abuse his fragile body more.

" Good job jinnie , let's see what else can I do for you " .

He spoke as if he was in a great headspace of thinking to help JIn while in reality, he was thinking the exact opposite and the next thing Jin knows is that super icy water was thrown at him which made the sting of the bees just worse .

" Guards , now throw some chili water too please . We need to equalize the sweetness , right Jinnie ?"

How's it ? Too much for jinnie ?

And well I will start writing the next chapter when it's 65 votes , cuz ik that will take time and time is what I need to type the next chapter .

Lol !

Love ya !

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