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" Dada " voiced out Jin in a raspy voice which bought tears to Kai's eyes in an instant . Only he knows how much he had yearned to hear the soothing name from his lover's mouth . All of it felt just too euphoric at the moment .

Jin let out a soft whine, frustrated that his bandaged hands wouldn't let him make his favorite little fist, a gesture he adored. Kai slowly walked to him and picked him up , swaying him sideways . The action calmed him down and diverted his mind as he clinged onto Kai . Minho who came to call Namjoon left defeated and went to the mansion as Namjoon clearly rejected him saying " I will stay with Jinnie , I am his favorite you know " proudly flexed Namjoon .

Kai didn't leave Jin's side for even a moment , Namjoon did feel like a third wheel but his mischievous side was in full swing that day . He made all attempts to snatch his jinnie from Kai , and finally, at last, he succeeded . Now Kai was literally whining for Jin's attention as the little was just too busy sucking and chewing on Namjoon's arm ( Remember this ?)

Jinnie made no attempt to leave Namjoon's side . Even though he was seeing Kai after years and naturally he should cling to him but probably it was because of the even stronger bond that Namjoon and big Jin created in the past few days influenced Jinnie to just cling to Namjoon .

Their day was just spent like this with Namjoon and Kai making all attempts possible to snatch Jinnie's attention from the other one .

Meanwhile on the other side when Minho reached home , he was stunned at the condition of the house . It was a pure mess .

Every face he saw just showed one thing ; Distress . Deep, dark circles under their eyes, cheeks flushed red, and eyes swollen from tears. And tons of screaming , It was as if everyone was venting their guilt and frustration by directing blame elsewhere.

Minho mentally facepalmed himself at the stupidity of his brothers as he shook his head , don't his brothers have a better way to cope other than blaming each other ? But it wasn't a sight he appreciated either , his heart ached for them . He knew they all were his brothers , and they just can't live the life not talking to each other . Eventually, they will have to reconcile , and Minho wanted it to be as soon as possible . He missed them , he missed his brothers !
But for now, he had other plans !

Just because he wanted reconciliation didn't mean Minho's anger had subsided. It was palpable, and deep. Every day he saw the bandages wrapped around Jin, a stark reminder of the past. Every night, the soft whimpers of pain reached his ears. Every scene of Jin's agony broke his heart . But he took charge of just the physical punishment leaving the rest to Jin .

Minho could sense and understand everyone's emotions but Yoongi's were beyond comprehendable. His face said nothing , just a blank tired expression, and that scared Minho a little .

Minho slowly gained the attention towards himself as all of them rushed to him . Minho took a step back which made them feel worse than they were already feeling . " I want you all in the backyard " Ordered Minho as he left , without waiting for any reply . Despite not living their , he was very familiar with every corner , after all, he had spent years looking after it in order of their safety .

Minho could hear , small pats of footsteps as they all trailed behind him in a line just like kindergarten students . " Kneel down " Spoke Minho as they all wasted no time and did what was told . " NOW KIM JIMIN YOU " Jimin flinched at the loud roar of his name but still looked up to meet the scary eyes of his hyung . " Please enlighten me why did you give the file to Mr Choi and ask him to frame Jin for it ? " Jimin gulped down on his saliva as he started speaking fearfully , the past few days he was getting nothing but ignorance . Even from his Yoongi hyung , in whose hope he did all of that . He made an impulsive step and he regretted it , but his regret would take him nowhere . The harm was already done to his precious hyung . His nights were spent in the local fight clubs of the city , where he would literally go just to get himself beaten up . Something he found to cope with his guilt . All of them were occupied with their own guilt that they could barely manage to take care of or look out for the others and that just caused more damage to them , each one of them was punishing themselves in some or the other way but the most extreme were of Hoseok and Jimin ." I-I was just jealous of Yonngi hy-hyung always being around Jin hyung and not me ... I wa-wanted him to myself and thought if hyungs will fight with ea-each other I will have Yoongi hyung to me ... I didn't know it wi-will end up like th-this." This made Yoongi feel more guilty , he wasn't angry with Jimin rather he was angry with himself thinking how he could be so ignorant that his little brother felt this way , he failed as an elder brother . Because Jin never made any of them feel left out , then why couldn't he ? " Okay then , I don't think I need to make any of you realize your mistake . Let's get to your punishment " He had already planned how to punish them , everyone had different things on their plate but Yoongi definitely had the most extreme .

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I am not talking to you all , you all don't vote now . It's just a click on the screen , believe me, the friction between your finger and the screen won't make you lose any noticeable energy . Sachi 🤧🤧

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