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All of them were on the verge of crying especially jimin when they realised jung kook was not at home neither he had his phone with him .

Jimin : Hyung , where could he go a-at this time . It's al-almost midnight .

Namjoon : Don't worry jiminie he will be nearby only . Maybe he went for a walk , we will look for him okay .

yoongi still had the same expressions , empty eyes but definitely looked miserable . Jin looked at him with sad eyes as he knew how week he must be feeing right now , jin just wanted to cuddle up with him whole night and let him rant but maybe destiny had other plans that jung kook went missing . Yoongi just mumbled " I will take out the car " and left while the others trailed behind . while taehyung thought to himself " this better have a good explanation or that brat is definitely getting his ass bruised " he still could not help but feel the same way towards jung kook despite knowing he was in for a punishment for the same reason .

Luckily , they found jung kook within 30 minutes of their search hunt only .

He was at the graveyard .

The place where their hyung , eomma , and appa were buried but the words that were coming out of the youngest were heartbreaking .

Jung Kook : Hy-hyungiee do y-you miss me ? You don't ri-right , after all I w-was just a br-brat to you . I am so so-sorry , y-you and eomma a-appa died because of m-me . pl-please forgive me . Even taetae hyung bl-blames me f-for your death .hearing this everyone except suga and jin looked at tae hyung with disappointed eys and with a look that said is it true , for which the latter slowly nodded and their emotions were soon replaced by rage I am s-sorry I didn't mean it , I wi-will never disrespect an-anyone from now o-on b-but I re-really love you hy-hyung . I didn't re-realise I was being me-mean and ru-rude to you . Pl-please forgive yo-your bunny . Don't wow-worry I will al-also join you so-soon , I can'tli-live with th-this guilt .

and then he layed his head on the grave and kept crying , none of them interrupted him because it was necessary for him to have his own time . When they could sense that the sobs silenced they walked towards hi only to find him asleep . Namjoon picked him up and all left towards the car .

During the whole ride tae hyung was looking down avoiding the angry gawpes of his hyung , feeling a bit guilty too about what happened . Jung kook's injuries still weren't healed and because of him he was crying out and thinking to die while sitting by a grave .

When they reached home , jin asked jimin to carry jung kook and sleep with him tonight and then dragged tae hyung in a harsh grip while others followed behind and suga left to bring cane .

Tae hyung didn't protest not even hissed at the tight grip because he was just too scared for anything right now .

As they entered the room , in sync jin's phone rang . Of course he declined the call but then it rang for 2-3 times so picked it up while motioning tae hyung to kneel down which the latter quickly obeyed .

?? : Kai called me today and was asking for you . and then hung up the call but this one sentence was enough to bring tears in his eyes , everyone was shcoed and curious to know what happened that their hyung is crying like this . With shaky hands jin kept the phone back in the pocket and wiped all any traces of tears on his face .

Jin : Tae look up , I understand that you think minho hyung died because of jung kook , but does it even make sense ? He was just a teenager at that time and he can't control it . Heck you don't even know what happened here , you just witnessed the cover of the book but what about what's inside the book , huh ? You think jung kook hated him and that's why did that ? Is it even reasonable ? I am in no mood to deal with you , you all take care of him and yoongi please come to my room after that . he asked with pleading eyes which were just a moment ago filled with anger and yoongi could not deny to it , he himself wanted his hyung's embrace after everything that happened today and said " Nae hyung I will be there "

Jin left the room and again all the attention was turned to take hyung .

Yoongi : We already discussed what you did yesterday , so let's just not waste time . Remove your pants and come here .

You are getting 15 from cane said yoongi and tae hyung just nodded while bending , bracing himself for the pain .

As soon as the first hit came , he started wailing loudly but still grateful that he had his shorts on .



Tae hyung : Arghhh swish hy-hyung I am swish s-so sorry . I wo-won't swish repeat this . but the hits kept coming until it was fifteen . he stayed in the same position waiting for hoseok and namjoon's punishment .

Hoseok soon came and started with belt , though he just gave 10 it hurted more than cane . maybe because he was already brusied .

Hoseok : What you swish did and thought swish wasn't correct baby , siwsh jung kook was so young at that time swish do you think he could swish even think to do swish something like this .

Tae hyung : Ahhh , i kn-know hyug . But I can't he-help but feel swish that way . I am swish s-so so-sorry .

Finally he was done and waited for namjoon however he was pulled up and namjoon made him kneel at a corner . he just looked at him with confused eyes when namjoon showed him the freshly opened soap bar . He reluctantly opened hi mouth and namjoon kept it in his mouth .

Namjoon : You are a doctor , so I hope you know better than to swallow the foam . Tae hyung nodded and looked at him , and namjoon understood what he meant and spoke for 20 minutes and then it is over , okay ? this time a bit softly while ruffling his hair .

Tae hyung loved the soft touch and leaned into it but the touch didn't last long .

Yoongi : You guys take care of him , I will go to jin hyung

tae hyung was well taken care of and cuddled up when his punishment was over and the older pair of twin even talked out everything with him , how he was feeling , how he reacted and everything and the younger definitely felt relief and lighter but on the other side two brother's were crying in each other's embrace both yearning for their lovers .

No matter how strict and strong they appear in front of their doesangs , in front of each other they are just 2 broken souls who sacrificed everything for their doesangs .

Yoongi : Hy-hyung i know you br-broke up with kai hyung the s-same day , i brought jackson h-home .

Why did y-you broke up wi-with him ? Te-tell me w-why ?

he asked hitting his hyung's chest with his tiny fist , missing his another hyung KAI .

Wanna know what happened in the past and why did he broke up , and what if the truth about jackson's death come in front of yoongi .

And a small spoiler

Jung kook will be going away from the mansion soon for about 3 months

any guesses why ?

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