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Jin : Don't tell me tae hyung that you were blaming jung kook all while for something he didn't do .

Yoongi : How is it even his fault , he was just a kid and he can't control the accident .

Tae hyung : No hy-hyung if he didn't a-act like a br-brat that day and throw tantrum to g-go out , hyung and eomma appa would be al-alive .he told while hicupping , jin and yoongi did not know to feel angry about it or sympathize tae hyung . Everyone knew he was the closest with minho . He never behaved w-with minho hy-hyung like he did w-with others , he was al-always a brat wi-with him . Ju-just because of him I lost my hyung .

Jin : Tae hyung ah even I lost my twin but do you see me or yoongi or anyone blaming someone for it , no right ? It was an accident baby you don't blame someone for something they didn't do especially when you don't know the whole truth and what exactly happened that time . and then yoongi continued .

Yoongi : And you know why he behaved like that with minho hyung ? It was not like he hated him or something . He respected him as much as he respected the others but he was jealous of him . Jung kook ah is too fond of you taehyung ah , he sees you as his role model , inspiration everything . He just wanted you by himself but most of the time you would be with Minho hyung that's why to gain your attention he used to behave like that .

Tae hyung : How d-do y-you know ?

Yoongi sighed softly and spoke " I heard him and eomma talking about why he always troubled minho , he craves your attention tae hyung ah even now he sometimes get in trouble intentionally , knowing that you will punish him and in a hope that you will give him after care . Please rethink , what you are doing is wrong . It was not jung kook's fault ."

Jin : You still have time to amend your actions , didn't you see how he did not make even a single noise while we were treating him , just because you said he is troubling us .

taehyung felt guilty about it but he just could not change his actions overnight but then talking out with his hyungs seemed like the best option for now

" Hyung I don't know what to do , everytime I s-see him I ju-just remember about Mi-minho hyung . I don't hate him , he is my adorable bunny my on-only doesang but I can't forget Mi-minho hyung . Pl-please give me some time to thi-think about it . I realised wh-what I was doing is wrong but I just can't change it overnight . "

Jin : It is okay buddy I understand but we are glad you realised your mistake and don't worry take your time . I am sure you will again become the taetae hyung of kookie . But till then don't say anything harsh to jung kook please . He is already hurt enough . he asked with pleading eyes , he could not bear to see his kookie with pain again .

Tae hyung : Don't worry hyung I won't take more than a day .

Yoongi : Good , you will get your punishment , once everything is settled and we find jackosn ?

tae hyung looked at them with wide eyes and asked " Pu-punishement ? "

Jin : You thought you will go without it ? What you did was not justified at all , neither you talked about it with anyone of us . I hope I don't need to remind you of all the rules you broke ?

tae hyung slowly shook his head , knowing what he did was wrong and he deserved to be punished " Good now go and sleep " told yoongi , tae hyung asked him in a timid voice " Umm jung kook ? " jin understood what he meant and said " It is okay , you can meet him tomorrow . Now go and sleep "

Tae hyung nodded and left for his room , yoongi was about to leave the room when jin held his hand and pulled him to his bed . Yoongi got startled from the sudden push and asked " Hyung what happened ?" " Here sleep with me today " spoke jin while patting the place beside him on the bed . " I don't feel like sleeping alone today and others have already slept so " .

Both of them knew why jin asked yoongi to sleep with him . Of course it ain't easy for yoongi right now , the person he loved the most yet hated the most was back all he need right now was his hyung's embrace and the elder was smart enough to understand . Both of them slept while cuddling each other both thinking of their lovers ( yes new entry , but the guy jin was talking with ain't his lover , think who it could be then .)

Meanwhile at an unknown place

A guy opened his eyes hastily when a bucket full of cold water was thrown at him ." What the fuck , open the rope you bitch " he shouted when he found that both his hands , as well as legs , were tied .

?? : Aishhh this bitch speaks too much , just cut his tongue . he ordered his man which the latter compiled , while jackosn kept shouting " Are you go-gone m-mad leave me y-you asshole . You kn-know my bf ? He is t-the CEO of Kim in-industries . He wi-will kill you .

?? just chuckled darkly and said "Oh really you mean Kim yoongi ? The one whose brother you sold in a human slave club ? You really think he will save you ? And give me the blade I will do this noble deed by myself . " he spoke to his man and took the blade from his hand .

" No no I a-am so-sorry , pl-please leave me . It w-was a mistake " he kept shouting while shaking his head when very soon a loud scream was heard as ?? cut his tongue from the blade and blood was all over his hands .

?? : You look better now . Let's make you more beautiful , shan't we ? he spoke darkly and with the same blade started making more cuts all over his face and chest and lastly on his thighs , the other person couldn't even scream because of the extreme amount of pain but still he was not satisfied .

?? : Hmm , go and bring acid and pour it on him . he spoke in a monotone as it was the simplest thing one could ever say . saying this he left the room and made a call .

?? : Come to xx alley if you wanna see him , I can't assure you if he will be alive or not by the time you reach . and without giving the other person a chance to speak , he hung up the call .

Jin : Urghhh , i clearly told him not to do something like this . How will I deal with yoongi now .

jin spoke frustratedly but left with others except for jung kook at the place that was told to him . The sight was not pleasant at all , especially for yoongi who had his eyes already wet by now . Jackson was there , tied to a chair with blood coming out from almost every part of his body and his skin was burnt badly . He would barely survive for few other minutes with this condition .

He opened his mouth to show that he could not speak and motioned them to give something to him where he could type or write . Yoongi was quick to bring his phone to him while with shaky hands jackson and a lot of efforts was able to type .

" Go to our secret place and open the box , there is something for you "

And then mouthed a " I love you yoonie " while taking his last breaths in his love's arms .

What do you think is in the box

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