Chapter 1 part 2

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I woke up really early in the morning but I wasn't really tired so I decided that this was going to be the time that I start my day I went to go get something to eat and use my phone when I had 62 unread messages and 5 image attachments messages I just looked at the notifications all from the same person and I knew I just needed a break. I decided I would go out to get breakfast so I picked up my keys and wallet and got out the apartment block as I was walking down to the coffee shop I noticed that my phone had stopped all the annoying beeping sounds I thought that Shidou might've took a hint and left me alone but boy was I wrong.
I ordered my food and sat down at a table near the window I decided to use my phone as I waited for my order and I decided I would check what the hell Shidou wanted. He sent a bunch of weird messages like 'You looked so hot without your shirt' or 'Next time take your pants off too' I wasn't too bothered but I will say this kid is weird. I had finally gotten my order and I decided I would take it home so I got it in a takeaway bag as again I was getting spammed again but I just ignored it. I finally got home and decided not to take anything off just in case. I looked at my phone to see the new spammed messages.

Weird gay neglected child

'Do you wanna call again ;)'


I gave myself a smile of approval and tucked into my breakfast while I was getting spam called again I couldn't eat my food in peace and it was starting to piss me off so I took matters into my own hands.. I blocked him. I rejoiced for a few minutes just too see I was getting spam called again by an unknown number I realised that this guy was actually pretty creepy because who in what world would keep changing there number just to message or spam call the same person? No Sae take a deep breath do not lose your cool over a crazy gay boy that was obviously neglected at a young age.

Weird gay neglected child

'Why do you keep spam calling me?'

'Cause I want to tell you something :)'

I decided I'll give him ANOTHER chance so I picked up the video call but this time I made sure to turn off my camera just in case.
'Why is your camera off?' Shidou asked.
'Just shut up and tell me what you want.' I replied with a pissed off tone so he could tell that I'm not playing around.
'Okay well you know your brother right?' Shidou began.
'Did you beat him up and he ended up in the hospital or something?' I asked.
'Oh of course not I could never hurt my brother in law!' Shidou laughed.
I didn't say anything but obviously I thought this guy was delusional.
'Well I gave him your number.' Shidou said.
I was confused, I don't really care if Rin gets my number or if someone gives it to him but Shidou of all people would give my brother my number I thought they hated each other.
'Don't you guys hate each other?' I asked.
'Yea well obviously I got something out of it.' Shidou said.
Okay now it's going to be something bad.
'What did you get out of it?' I asked.
That's when Shidou left the screen and came back with a bouquet of red roses and a plate of French fries he then grabbed some candles and lit them up.
'Well do you like it?' He asked.
'I don't even like French fries that's the worst thing to eat.' I replied.
Shidou's smile dropped almost immediately after hearing that.
'Wait really?' He asked his voice sounded really shaky and terrified.
'Yea I'm serious Rin loves French fries not me.' I replied destroying his heart almost immediately.
'FUCK I KNEW THAT BITCH WAS LYING.' Shidou screamed throwing the plate at the wall shattering it almost immediately. I tried my best to hold in my laugh just in case he might attack me next somehow.
'WHEN I SEE THAT LITTLE PUSSY BITCH IM GOING TO SEND HIS PRETTY BOY ASS TO THE FUCKING ER.' Shidou screamed. Not gonna lie I felt bad for a bit but then I heard he was going to break my little brother's leg so then I kinda felt concerned. Shidou on the other hand couldn't really care less he was still screaming a bunch of stuff like 'RIN BETTER HOPE I NEVER SEE HIM.' Or 'THAT BITCH IS DEAD.' Seriously this guy is definitely getting sent to a Mental hospital. As I was still laughing silently at Shidou's outbursts I got a message notification.
'Oh Rin texted me.' I said.
Shidou immediately stopped screaming then rushed over to the screen.
'What did he say?' Shidou asked.
'Uh none of your business this is between brothers.' I answered.
Shidou gave a sour look but went silent as I read the message silently.


'Hi Nii-chan it's me your little brother Rin I just wanted to message you again if you don't wanna talk that's fine ig'

'Hi Rin how are you?'

'I'm good thanks for asking Nii-chan how about you?'                                                                 

'I'm great'

'How about we meet up just one time?'

'Sure how about at my place?'

'Yea that would be nice :)'

'Come on Sae you've been ignoring me way too long!' Shidou whined.
'Okay sorry sorry.' I said of course I wasn't but it was to shut him up for a bit.
'Is your attention finally on me now?' Shidou asked.
I cringed but regardless I said yes and no I'm not gay so I better not see anyone saying I am.

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