Chapter 2 part 1

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So basically after the incident I guess I forgave him but that was to stop the anxious begging and pleading and a few panic attacks to stop. Yes he seriously had a panic attack. Well anyways let's forget about that, now he's been coming to my hotel room even more often and gifting me with weird things like chocolates and flowers something you'd get your girlfriend and I just want to make 2 things clear. 1 I am not gay and 2 if I was gay I'm not going to be the bottom in the relationship. Although I ate the chocolates despite the calories and put the flowers up despite not really caring for unnecessary stuff like flowers it was nice to get gifted something everyday but just to clarify I'm not gay I just like the stuff. As always I was awaiting my daily gifts when I got a message from Shidou.

GAYER neglected child

'I cant bring your gift like always today so I'll send it to you in the post :('

What is this? My daily gifts have been paused? I'm not gay by the way like I said I just like the gifts. But why have they been paused? I didn't wanna ask not to seem rude but to look like I'm interested when I'm not I only like the gifts because they have good things in them. I looked at the message and read it a few times so it was sunk into my brain. No way my gifts are actually gone it's not just delusions. That's it's screw it if I look gay (I'm not by the way)

'Oh why?'

I began to throw my phone away and shove my head into the pillows in embarrassment and shame. That 2 letter sentence has brought shame to the Itoshi family I just know my ancestors are ashamed of me. As I was cowering away in the pillow shamefully my phone had a ping sound. Oh God I'm not ready. Please don't think I'm in love with you. I picked my phone but the screen was facing downwards I flipped it back the right way and read the message carefully.

'Aww are you missing me and my gifts already ;)'

Oh God no well done Sae you've brought dishonour and shame to the Itoshi bloodline.

'No I was just wondering'

Good reply it makes sense and it doesn't have any romantic or sexual meaning.

Yea but what it seems to me you like these gifts I think you might have a tiny crush on me Sae ;)

I threw my phone away and screamed in horror. I probably just broke my phone but still I'd rather go through the seven stages of hell then date you Shidou I hope you know that I don't even know if there are 7 stages of hell. I decided to leave my phone in the corner of my room because I probably had just broken it but oh well. I got up from the bed and decided to give myself a cup of tea it was well deserved in my opinion. As I was coming back to my room and sitting down on my bed my phone pinged again. Wow it's not broken I don't know if I should be happy or annoyed by that. I picked my phone up and checked the notification.

'Don't ignore me now Sae no need to be shy about it.'

Oh God I just gave him the impression that I do because I didn't reply I gave him a nice and solid reply.

'Go fuck yourself.'

I nodded in approval at this kind and solid message some people would say it was going to far but I want to tell you it wasn't. It was solid and firm Shidou's fault for pressuring me into being rude simple it's my life motto. Don't ever allow yourself to be in the wrong always make excuses to support your behaviour.

'Ouch that was mean :('

Now he's trying to make me feel bad well jokes on him I literally neglected my own brother so if he even thinks he's close into making me feel bad he's crazy.


Nice and assertive honestly I should be on a reality TV show who helps girls who can't leave their cheating ex and abusive boyfriend alone. I put my phone down as we all know who won I decided to order food again cause I have no time to be making food. I decided to go and quickly withdrawal money out of my account cause I don't trust those delivery workers as I opened the front door I was greeted with a dumb and stupid Shidou who was grinning ear to ear with a nice (yes I'll give him that) bouquet of roses and bluebells, he had a box of cupcakes from my favourite bakery and he was wearing an okay suit.
'What the hell.' I asked.
'Hey don't you see what all this is for?' Shidou replied.
'No.' I answered back.
Shidou then proceeds to publicly shame himself infront of the other tenants and gets down on one knee he then looks up at me and pops the fucking question.
'Will you date me?'
All the other tenants were cheering him on screaming stupid stuff like 'Say yes!' Or 'How adorable!' None of this was adorable it was publicly humiliating and that's when I noticed that there were people taking pictures that's when my heart sank into my stomach now everyone in the world will think I'm gay. I grabbed Shidou by the arm and force him to get up pushing him into my apartment.
'Woah I didn't know you were this feisty.' Shidou smirked flirtatiously.
'You've now publicly humiliated yourself and me now the whole world will think the best Japanese football player is a homosexual!'
I shouted at him.
'What's wrong with that it's not like you were gonna say no.' Shidou joked. (He probably wasn't but it was stupid so I classed it as a joke.)
'No I wasn't I was gonna say no then take the cupcakes and flowers.' I replied honestly.
'What after I even wrote a poem for you?' Shidou claimed.
'Okay let's hear it.' I decided I wanted to hear this poem it's probably an admiration poem basically praising me.
Shidou reaches into the pockets of his suit and takes out a piece of paper he opens it straight and begins to read out loud.
'Dear Sae whenever I look at you from the back I just can't help but get a rock hard cock your tits are so hot even though I only see them with a shirt I wonder what id see underneath I love your as-'
I slapped Shidou nicely in the face and took the paper out of his hand and ripped it in his face.
'What that was good?' Shidou said clutching his red cheek.
'Good where that was the most rubbish poem I've ever heard.' I replied.
'How it was so good?' He exclaimed.
'The whole poem was just fetishising me.' I said.
'Yea but it's not entirely a lie is it though?' Shidou responded.
'You get a hard cock when you see me from the back?' I asked.
Shidou then paused for a moment and started smiling really weirdly.
'I have one right now.'
'GET THE FUCK OUT!' I screamed pushing Shidou out the door. I obviously kept the cupcakes and flowers and I shut the door really good in his face. I sighed a sigh of relief and went to bed. God that was too much to handle.

Author's comment: Hey y'all I hope you're doing okay so this book basically was just a joke and I found it funny so I decided I would publish it and let other people laugh too because why not I'm going to try and post every Friday if not then it will be next week Friday. I'm getting really lazy though but I want you guys to continue to read this so I'm goin a post a part of a chapter that's not finished and when I'm done with the other parts that will be published too thanks.

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