Chapter 2 Part 2

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This time no 'I woke up at this time and did this!' Talk anymore, we're getting straight fucking to it because I need this off my chest.

I was balling my eyes out with my laptop screen in front of me and Rin hugging and comforting me the best he could although he was shit at it not gonna lie. In front of me was my screen in bold headlines;


First of all whoever made that headline is dumb and obviously unfunny, second off all I don't swing the same way and third of all I hope the reporter kills himself.

'It's okay Sae it's just fake news nobody cares if you're gay or not which of course you're not.' Rin comforted me giving me a side hug with a warm smile and honestly I kinda regret embarrassing him in the U20 v Blue Lock at least he forgot.

'I know but with Shidou?' I stammered over my tears.

Rin's smiled dropped after hearing this and he stared at me, he then speaks with a small voice with confusion and shock.


I nodded my head as I wiped the tears off my face.

'Sue the company.' Rin said in a dark voice. I won't lie the change kinda freaked me out but hey it is what it is. I gave Rin a confused look but I said nothing just in case Rin would attack me or something.

'Sue the company right now Sae.' Rin said again in that scary ass voice.

'You just told me it was fine though?' I replied risking getting my face covered in blood and bumps.

Rin just stared at me not saying a single word it was kinda creepy but I left it he then slowly shook his head.


Literally the only word he said I was getting creepied out but I left it cause yea. I obviously wasn't going to sue them or I would look like those celebrities who try to hide their relationships and then I would look like I was in a relationship with Shidou so I'm gonna be calm and collected and not care right after I was done crying into my pillow. I began to cry even more and Rin kinda just sat there staring at me watching me cry which was confusing because he should be comforting me as the younger brother here but then I did kinda tell him to get out my life but anyways that's different. Rin gave me a pat on the shoulder and took a deep breath.
'Maybe kill Shidou?' He suggested, I looked up at him and gave him the most dirtiest look I can summer on to my face and I'm telling you it was the dirtiest of looks probably because I give them daily.
'Are you stupid?' I asked him because I feel like maybe when I left him that day he might've been banging his head TOO hard on the wall. Rin simply just shaked his head and smiled some weird innocent smile.
'No why would you think that Nee-san?' He asked with that weird freaky innocent smile and it kinda was starting to creep me out but let's just ignore it.
'Rin look at the way you're smiling and say that again.'
Rin just lost his smile after that and stared at me with that look he used to give me when I neglected him. So after a few minutes of staring at each other in silence (which was a long few minutes) I got a message on my phone I quickly picked it up and checked it because I was taking any chance to get distracted from Rin's intense stare. I looked at the message and my heart just dropped at the sight of the message. It was my manager and he had the audacity the fucking audacity to message me and say.
'Good for you Sae I'm glad you're opening up about your relationship with Shidou how about we schedule an event for you to open to the public about your GAY relationship?'
I look at the message and thought one thing. Does this bitch wanna go?

Honestly I was willing to fight anyone at that point. I fell back onto my bed and layed there staring at the celling.
'Rin you know your idea of killing Shidou?'
'Yea why?'
'Let's do it.'

Alright ar the moment I wanted to kill Shidou but I decided to reason with him indirectly. I don't really wanna be charge with killing somebody so yea I guess he gets an exception but we need to have a very serious chat. After Rin left I called Shidou over. Yes I know this was a dumb idea and that he'd probably take this in the wrong way but whatever I needed him to hear what I thought from my own mouth not a message or a video call my own mouth. I waited for 30 minutes when I heard a knock on my door (don't worry I had my weapons ready if he tried anything) I unlocked the first lock then the second and opened the door.
'Sae I knew you missed me!' Shidou said with a grin on his face. I really badly wanted to slap it off but I don't think I could win in a fight with Shidou (although I'm still better)
'Hi Shidou.' That's the only thing I said until this lunatic thought 'Oh yea let's hug the person who hates me the most!' I'm not even fucking joking he had the audacity to hug me and he's very very lucky that I didn't have my knife on me (any police reading this I'm just kidding maybe) well to protect my honour and pride I pushed him off me and do you know what this gay neglected kid said?
'Oh so you wanna get straight into it then?'
No joke he said that with a smile on his face.
'Listen Shidou I didn't call you over for sex I called you over because I need to talk to you about something and anyways I would never have sex with YOU.' I told him straight.
'Jeez Sae if you knew how good I was in the sheets you definitely would be calling me all the time.' Shidou replied.
I kinda just stood there staring at him blankly i was way to tired to say anything.
'Just come in.' I said breaking the silence.

After he came in I took him to the living room because no way he was going to be anywhere near my bedroom. I sat him down and began to speak.
'Look Shidou I need you to understand your antics aren't funny they never were and now they our actions are taking a toll on my public appearance too I don't want to be the cover of the LGBT shop magazine so I'm going to tell you right now I'm not gay and we're never dating.'
It was silent for a few seconds with just me and Shidou staring at each other not gonna lie Shidou's skills of keeping a blank face is scary but also cool at the same time. I couldn't keep a blank face for so long so I just looked away (disappointed in myself) and didn't say anything to this guy that's when all of a sudden Shidou let out of the loudest, ear aching laugh in the century I looked at him confused but I didn't say anything (let me not forget I also put a dirty look in the stare)
'Come on Sae you need to be serious your telling me that you're never going to date me?' Shidou asked like I was explaining high levelled geometry maths.
'Yes that's right.' I replied.
'Come on Sae give me a real chance and a year because your EXTRA special and you'll be all over me.' Shidou said.
'No I won't be and your not getting any chance ever.' I told him FIRMLY.
'You sure?'
So we went back to staring at eachother in silence but this time stupid Shidou had a stupid smirk on his face (oo a little bit of alliteration) I desperately wanted to slap him but I knew that my hands were not going to touch his nasty face so staring at him it was going on be although I hated looking at his face too so I did what any reasonable person would do I (tried to) kicked him out
'Alright Shidou get out.' I said.
That 2 letter word was probably going to be the death of me.
'What do you mean no? Are you okay?' I asked him because the way he was acting I don't think he was okay mentally.
'No means no it means I'm not leaving.' He replied still with that shitty stupid smirk. Now this guys was going to get a slap in a minute because what the hell do you mean 'No'?
'You mean you'll get up and leave right now.' I said.
'No.' He said again so I did. want I had to I grabbed him by his sissy boy looking haircut (and bro the grease and gel on my hands..) and pulled him to the front door where I pushed him out and locked the door. The grease and gel on my hands were insane on a very serious note, how much gel does this guy have in his hair??

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