End of chapter 1

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It was another stressful day in Japan and I woke up extremely late this time I decided I would just have a day where I just be lazy so I ordered food instead of cooking or going out to get some. I then remembered I was planning to hangout with Rin today at my place as blue lock member finally get to go from their days of confinement. This time I didn't get spammed by Shidou so that was good I guess and Rin was active too. For some reason there were 2 Unknown contacts but I was guessing the one I talked to less was Rin so I messaged him my address after 10 minutes I got a message sent that was probably the most scariest thing that I ever seen.

'I'm guessing your alone and need some company;)'

I looked at my phone in pure horror and shock. I've sent my address to Shidou. He had changed his number again so I'd be confused as I forgot to save Rin's and he messaged less so that I'd assume he was Rin cause he know I'd be too dumb to check the messages I'm done. I ran to my door and locked it with the 2nd lock and turned off all the lights in my hotel room to make it seem like I was not here I ran to my bedroom and locked myself in my closet I decided to peek out the window and saw a black car pull up to the front as I watched to see who was gonna come out my heart sank. It was the gay neglected child walking inside. Wait I might've not told him my hotel room? I checked and I did. Great I'm now dead. I walked downstairs and looked through the hole and saw the gay neglected child standing in front of my door he then began to knock 3 times on my door.
'Sae you in?' He called out.
I quickly scurried to the couch and hid behind it.
'Sae I saw you looking for me in the window don't act all cute and shy now although its kinda hot when you act like that.' Shidou continued.
I took deep breaths in and out in and out. I started thinking about all the times I spent time with Rin, Dad and Mom. My friends.
'Sae open the door or I'll just open it myself.' Shidou threatened.
'So open the door or it's your wallet bye bye.' Shidou calmly said.
Shidou obviously knew he had won and I had no choice but to open the door. I took deep breaths as I had unscrewed the 2nd lock and put the key in the original lock it was not even a second after I opened the door and Shidou busted it opened.
I covered my mouth before I can scream in terror then ran up the stairs as quick as I could Shidou chased me almost immediately and I only survived because I threw my shoe at his face as I was blocking the entrance to my room I could hear loud thuds up the stairs I immediately knew that was Shidou and I also definitely know the neighbours were hearing this too.
'Sae I promise I wont hurt you just open the door baby.' Shidou called into the room.
'Fuck that get out my fucking hotel room!' I replied. Honestly this is probably the most craziest, out of pocket thing that has ever happened to me.
Shidou began banging at the door louder and louder and I rested on the bed accepting fate entirely. I began to fall asleep as the maniac was still banging on my door and before I knew it I had drifted off. When I woke up again I felt some weird soft thing on my lips pressing against them I was confused at this feeling what is pressing down on my lips like that. I opened my eyes to be faced with the gay neglected child Shidou pressing down forcibly on my lips with his disgusting lips. I immediately slapped his face and screamed.
'SEXUAL ASSUALT!' I shouted at the top of my lungs.
'Wait no no it's not what you think.' Shidou explained.
'What other thing could be in mind when your kissing someone who's unconscious shame on you.' I replied.
'I thought you fainted so I did CPR?' Shidou said.
'The oldest excuse in the fucking book I'm not dumb you sexual harasser!' I shouted.
'I promise I don't take advantage of hot guys when there unconscious that's just horrible I thought you fainted cause you randomly fell asleep!' Shidou tried to explain but I was not having it yea he was right like I did kinda just fall asleep all of a sudden and my best bet would probably do CPR too but I'm the type that drags the argument on even if they're proven wrong.
'No way I believe that so you take advantage of ugly girls when there unconscious?' I asked disgusted.
'IM LITERALLY GAY?' Shidou shouted back.
'You could make an exception?' I suggested.
Shidou looked at me and I looked back at him we both had emotionless looks on our faces and we were really fucking confused with what each other were saying.
'Uh are we just gonna stand there staring at each other?' Shidou asked breaking the horrible awkward silence.
'Yea let's stay like this.' I replied.
'Well I don't mind staring at your beautiful face.' Shidou grinned.
'Shame on you.' I said.

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