End of chapter 2

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I've been repeatedly telling Shidou that WE ARE NOT A COUPLE yet he still tries to publicly embarrass my name by going on Twitter (stupid blue bird) and make stupid tweets under ALL MY FUCKING COMMENTS with these shitty sappy comments like.
'Oh Sae that was so adorable your the best at football' like yea I know but no need to tell me again you idiot or 'Sae when you coming to my place tonight ;)' honestly I really wanna stab him but I can't because I get a shitty criminal record and don't really wanna take backshots in jail maybe if I lied and said he had rabies and I defended myself by stabbing him they'd believe me? (They probably would if I'm being honest) Anyways enough of that I had to send him a firm message before I become the advocate for the LGBTQ community.

'Look Shidou I'm not gonna tell you again we're not a couple and stop responding to all my tweets with sappy lovey dovey comments.'

I knew it wasn't enough but at least I tried my best and before any of you stupid idiots say 'Well why don't you just tell the world that your not gay?'
I don't think you understand how badly everyone wants to believe I'm gay if I told everyone I wasn't gay they most likely wouldn't believe me (which is dumb but it's just reality) That's it I've confirmed it I'm leaving the country. Goodbye cruel Japan I never even liked this place anyways, I hope the Japanese football team fails ANOTHER World Cup.

Okay bad news I can't leave Japan currently because my passport is still NOT renewed so I have to stay in smelly Japan (yuck) with greasy, oily, piggy, gay, bottom, twink Shidou. It's a difficult life but God does give his battles to his strongest soldiers (at least that's what I'm telling myself), I've been trying to stay my distance away from Shidou but it's not easy when he's constantly messaging me and making FAKE tweets about us. At this point I'm becoming my biggest nightmare... The LGBTQ+ community advocate.... And Rin is getting worse too, he keeps on trying to kill Shidou (which I agree on) but I've told him many times I'm not going to jail, PERIOD. (Oh God that sounded so gay I need to bring out the bible) I've been trying to change my personality and style to make myself look like the most straightest guy possible, I've been thinking of some white straight top male names;

Kyle, although it gives off gay in denial (which is what I'm definitely not)
Mason, extremely white but for some reason it reminds me of the way I used to look before football (God my hair was a disgusting mess it was as greasy and ugly as Shidou's..)
Nathanial, Rin said it sounds like a white man but it reminds me of some light-skin guy so that's off the list.
Sam, this is so bad I can't even shame myself to have it.

So those are the names I put down but I don't like any of them I mean maybe I'm trying to hard to be a straight, white, top, male, maybe it's time to be a gay, Asian, bottom, male that wants Shidou inside of him.

NO! I DIDNT WRITE THAT AT ALL, SHIDOU ILL KILL YOU.. Okay, calm down Sae, calm down... I did not write that disgrace of a message I'll explain exactly what really happened...

I was minding my business, looking at the email of LGBTQ+ community asking if I would like to be their advocate (I declined them and I'm currently in touch with my lawyer to get them sued) and I heard a knock on the door, I thought it was just going to be some random Christian man screaming in my face that God appeared to him and told him to send me to their church (which probably didn't happen) but no, who was it? The devil himself, FUCKING SHIDOU YOU LITTLE GAY TWINK I HATE YOU GO KILL YOURSELF YOU LITTLE *** ***** YOUR MOM HAS *** WITH YOUR UNCLE YOU LITTLE ****

Apologies but most of the words must be blurred for younger audiences, any questions please put them down below as we blur out practically all the slurs Sae is saying.

Okay, maybe that was going to far but God Shidou pisses me off as I was saying I saw Shidou at my door and I looked at him with confusion.
"Can I help you?" I asked (with a very kind tone)
Shidou looked confused for a moment but then did his disgusting smirk that makes him look like the Roblox man face and said and I kid you not he said this.
"Yea actually, I'm looking for the directions to your heart." And then this man had the audacity to take out a speaker and put on 'White Tees' as if he's some hot shit when the only thing hot about him is his fishy breath. I stood there dumbfounded that's how shocked I was, I didn't even have time to process a rude comment or something, I was just purely confused as I watched him vibe to 'White Tees'. He finally noticed the look on my face and looked up at me and said.
"What? You don't like the song or something?"
I rolled my eyes.
"No I don't now get of my porch before I call the cops."
I raised an eyebrow, did he just say no to me calling the cops on him? Is he dumb or something?
"No calling the cops, me go inside." Shidou replied with a serious look.
"Did you just say 'me go inside'?" I replied with a look of second-hand embarrassment, he thinks he some cute anime waifu or something. Weirdo..
That's when he just stepped inside my house, no invitation, no look of approvals, just stepped inside and I stared at him baffled, I didn't even bother to refuse (not because I'm gay but because I'm tired) so he just walks over and sits on my couch and looks at the messages and bickering back and forth with the LGBTQ+ community, he looked up at me and asked such a foolish question I even laughed.

"Why did you decline this? Aren't you gay?"
So after hearing that I gave him a slap and corrected him.
"You mean YOUR gay, I'm as straight as a ruler."
"No you mean your as bendy as a flexible ruler and you love to bend over like one."
I stared at Shidou in absolute shock as he bursts out laughing like he did something. That's when I knew, I had to address this so what do I do? I punch Shidou in his face now Shidou fights practically everyone, this guy is probably going to whoop my ass but I knew I had to defend myself. After I delivered the attack he looked back at me and started laughing like he was Junko Enishma or something. I backed up feeling like I took the devil out of him and that's when it happened.....

He got up and started running towards me as I turned around and started running for it screaming "CALL THE COPS!!" Of course my dire screams of help were undhewrd as I ran through the apartment complex with a greasy hair monster chasing after me. All I could hear behind me was;

May God bless all of you and make sure to put on my tombstone "Sae; Best Japanese Football Defender"
I continued to run until I stopped behind a tree and saw Shidou was gone (how I outran the greasy monster I don't know) that's when I realised... my phone ITS STILL THERE! I immediately ran back into he apartment complex and into my apartment and saw Shidou was gone and my phone was in its same position, phew, he didn't do anything to it- that's what I thought until I heard the non-stop notifications flying in, I immediately checked it and what did I see..

A tweet on my account saying; "I absolutely love Shidou, that night was amazing 😘"
No.. it's over.. I'm now the LGBTQ advocate.. I fell to the ground in hopelessness and sat there ashamed and embarrassed as the notifications flew in..

AUTHOR'S COMMENT: Hello everyone, I hope you all are good, please don't bash me in the comments for wasting my time making a new part, I've forgotten about the book and I realised that I need to continue (_) anyways I promise I'll pick up the pace this time and deliver new chapters weekly ('̀-'́)

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