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They say picking up the pieces is a lot easier than one would think. I personally thought that was a load of bull. Picking up the pieces sucked. You would pick one piece just to find another that made you drop three. It was a cycle that kept going round and round. It was like a carousel that I couldn't get off of. It just kept spinning and spinning and I was stuck in the middle getting more and more nauseous.

I had sat at that park for two hours after he left, just sitting there. Just waiting.

That's where he found me. Still sitting there. Still waiting.

"Hey," He called out from the basketball court where he had been playing by himself. His voice broke me out of my thoughts and I looked at him startled. "Are you ok?"

He watched me curiously and I watched him in return. He couldn't be that much older than me, 18 maybe 19. Where Collin had been just a few inches taller than me this guy had to have been at least 6 feet. And where he had been lean like a swimmer this guy was more broad and built. Where his hair had been pale, the color of straw his hair was dark.

He took a few steps towards me and I stood grabbing my things, "I'm sorry, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

I shrugged, "No, but I'll figure it out. It's all we can really do."

He kept watching me and I started walking to my own car. "Thank you for asking though."

He continued to watch me as I unlocked my car and got in. When I had finally turned it on he went back to his game against an opponent only he could see.

I guess we all had invisible battles we were fighting.

Author's Note:

If you're following along with Falling like Ryen there's a letter posted from Elijah's perspective.


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