01, alliance

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 ﹒ ✾﹒ APPLE CIDER ﹒ ✾﹒

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CHEERY, loud chatters, and multiple murmurs were spread throughout the long hallway of the classrooms. today was a friday, a day of the week that most students love because it was the end of the academic week, however only 2 days of the weekend plus the homework given, really?

your two best friends, yoimiya and ayaka went on ahead, leaving you wandering through the hallways by yourself. a number of students which included you, those concerned were asked to stay in school for another few minutes, i wouldn't call it a "few" though.

you've kept your phone in the pocket of your uniform's skirt, figuring that it'd be best to not have it in hand while walking, it would cause accidents if you were to use it. yet, you couldn't even resist getting your phone again due to the continuously unknown notifications bomboarding your device.

[name] !


if you're free, can you meet me in art room 143? 3rd floor
again, js lmk if you're not free, i completely understandd

it's fine, i've been waiting for an update on the teacher that called me but she wasn't in the office 😭anyways i'll head there ^^

kazuha reacted with 💗


'art room 143.. art room 143' your eyes shifted to the labels up to see labels that were sticked to the doors of each room you passed by. as you arrived, you were greeted with your childhood friend, kazuha, who was sitting on the edge of the opened window, holding a small leaf in his hand.

you awkwardly paused for a moment for him to notice that you're already there. after what it felt like 20 years, is closing the door an excellent idea of yours to make him startle and stop whatever?

that was not the case when you mischievously acted, the boy gave no violent reaction whatsoever, he just simply flicked the leaf out the window then shifted his eyes to you.

"make an alliance with me." those 5 stern words that left his mouth could make such a big difference.

"apologies, let me make it clearer." he cleared his voice before speaking again, "let's be in a fake relatiosnhip until the aftermath of my aunt's wedding." there he goes again with his straightforward statements.

APPLE CIDER; k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now