07, moment

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both of you have already cleared out a misunderstanding a few days ago, now there's another one? you were just unitentionally eavesdropping that's all, nothing else

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both of you have already cleared out a misunderstanding a few days ago, now there's another one? you were just unitentionally eavesdropping that's all, nothing else.

you've been blankly staring at your textbook for quite a while. thoughts are surrounding your head like crazy, just finding out a way on how to apologize properly yet you don't exactly have anything planned to say.

the parents seminar is also today which means a lot of people are going to be crowding in the hallways, and means.. you might encounter kazuha and his aunts.

"hey kazuha! can you help me with this math problem? " a girl

as soon as his name was called, he walked over to them. you took a peek at the two on the side of the classroom, one explaining, the other one listening.

the girl started writing notes that kazuha additionally gave her to improve on that certain topic. he looked like he was gonna look to the opposite side.

you quickly looked back at your notebook, pretending that you've never even looked at anyone or anything. 'i can't even have a moment of just staring into his eyes for just a second or so'

while you were just hiding behind your textbook, a pair of red ruby eyes was staring at you quietly without you knowing. he felt like you were avoiding him again.

still quietly staring at you, the girl who called him coughed as a sign for help with something.

"is there anything wrong, kazuha? she asked him.

"it's nothing, sorry i'll help you now."

by the time it was 2:30pm, cars have invaded the parking lot, followed by parents getting out of their vehicles and heading towards the entrance of the school.

meaning, the parent seminar is starting soon. you got a text from ayaka that her mom nor dad is coming to the event. your mother will be unable to attend due to heavy work matters.

"this way, i can spend time with you for the rest of the day!" ayaka happily said.

you nodded in agreement. the blue haired girl put her arm on your shoulder, slightly leaning in and proceeded to start walking to the exit of the school.

walking, you saw a glimpse of kazuha and his butler..
maybe he had his butler as a replacement for one of his aunts? they're really busy nowadays ever since their fashion industry got well-known.

"..hey ayaka, can we go to the other exit instead? so we could walk around the courtyard? you muttered, hiding the nerve wracking feeling in you.

"the exit on the other side is too crowded, we might get squished in between!

you let out a sigh, she was right, it was too crowded. there was no room for argument, so you just had to get passed by kazuha and his butler without them noticing. was it possible? i don't know, do you think it is?

APPLE CIDER; k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now