03, lovesong

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it was only a few minutes until the bus arrived at the station. the pair went inside the bus and occupied the two seats that were empty. the two of you had to squeezed in since the singular seats beside each other were quite small.

even if it was quiet, you still enjoyed the silence except for the fact the wanted gap between the two was now covered with both of their figures due to the lack of space.

now the bus started moving, and that's when things started to get quite wobbly. kazuha got the window seat, while you had the other. you tried your best to maintain your balance as the bus encountered rocky bumps along the way.

the feeling of driving through rocky paths didn't stop, however you felt a hand on your waist, preventing you from losing balance. it did help you from your uncomfortable position of trying to keep balance at the edge, but it didn't help you from still squeezing in with kazuha.

you almost let out a squeak at the placement of his hand, making you remember the fake label you two shared. "are you okay? look, there's some pretty sights you can see through the window." the boy whispered next to you, leaning back for you to see the view easily.

"..huh? errh.. yeah!! haha, sorry."

you looked up and turned your head to kazuha. he was looking at the pretty lights that shined the streets. it was pretty.  it wasn't just the light that were shining in different colors along the streets, no, it was the person who was sitting next to you.

carefully admiring his features, you never really closely acknowledged the platinum haired blonde's beauty aside from all the gossiping you've heard from last school year. his red, ruby eyes were reflected through the window. those irises of his were so pretty. .

the bus slowly halted at the station you were getting off at, causing you to snap out of your thoughts.

by the time there were lesser people boarded in the bus, you stood up and stepped aside so that kazuha can get up from his seat, now you two were heading home.


"see you on monday, [name]." kazuha waved you goodbye with a smile on his face. you returned the gesture, closing the door of your home quietly when you saw kazuha's figure fade away from your sight.

you made sure to close the lights and lock the doors before preparing for bed. as soon as you were done, you quickly showered and changed into your pajamas then opened your phone to check your notifications.

smooth operators real ‼️
29 notifications

tadpole 1 (venti)
hi gusy do u have hsr
add me psl

APPLE CIDER; k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now