11, quiet

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the school year is so close to nearing the end yet so far

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the school year is so close to nearing the end yet so far. finals are in a few weeks, meaning students studying for sleepless nights and anxiety pooling.

every single day, studying and studying were the main objective of the past few days. your mother wasn't there to be a major help since she was working on something else as well.

however, she was there for moral support and giving you snacks for you to munch on while studying.

in a blink of an eye, it was finally over. except for the fact that scores will be given out later on, the anxiety atmosphere creeping through each student's mind.

"why are you crying?!"

"i'm happy crying, look at the bottle!!"

said a teal haired male who had twin braids, shoving a bottle infront of his friend. almost halfway filled with tears from last week's finals.

small chuckles can just be heard from his friend, holding out bigger laughs. he tried to comfort his friend by patting him on the shoulder.

it was now time for dismissal time, students started to pack up and go out of the campus with other classmates or people from another section.

the hallway was crowded especially near the staircase where people head to the outdoor courtyard to the entrance of the school campus.

chattering is all that you could hear. you waved goodbye to your two friends, yoimiya and ayaka who were heading home together.

you would go with them if it weren't for you to ask a certain someone about something. as the crowd by the staircase started to clear up, it was a great opportunity to talk.

"everyone almost left, what did you ask me here for?" he looked straight to you, as you were on a higher step but slightly bent down your knees and leaned in to match his height.

you frankly looked around for people nearby before saying, "well.. how was it? finals, i meann."

"if i get the scores i predict thenn.. i'll be perfectly fine." his focus wasn't on you but instead by the running footsteps that can be heard on the first floor.

"that's good!! aside from that— huh?"

your sentence got cut off by a voice from the person who created loud rushing footsteps in the first floor's hallway.

"alhaitam, don't go off on your own like that!" a blonde haired huffed as he caught up to his taller friend. the other just scoffed then the two figures wandered off.

"those two look like a couple, considering they're on a first name basis!" you commented, now leaning on the handrails by the staircase.

he just nodded in agreement since he had nothing to reply. the next thing you said caught him a bit off-guard.

APPLE CIDER; k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now