13, fall

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"guess what, i got a boyfriendd!!"

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"guess what, i got a boyfriendd!!"

"really?!?! lumine, i never thought of you as someone who would date." ayaka, who was between you and your blonde haired friend, commented on the announcement.

"didn't you have a crush on kazuha? the kaedehara kazuha?" a girl with a high messy bun joined in the conversation. you slightly flinched by not just your friend but by the question as well.

"psh, i moved on from that. besides, doesn't [name] like him?" lumine's figure turned to you.

huh??! what??" you flinched at the last sentence but quickly regained composure. "i noticed that he looks at you differently, is there really nothing going on between the two of you?" her fingers reaching up to her chin.

you tried to think of a response without hinting that there is really something going. the more you think about the times you were with the boy recently, it made you feel really particular compared to others he knew.

both your conversation and thoughts were interrupted by someone yelling at the end of the hall. "hey! a volleyball match is going to happen in the gym as our free time!!"

everyone's gaze was now focused by the voice, while others were heading towards to the gym area to either play or watch in the sidelines and cheer for those in the game.

"what if we split into two pairs?? [name] and i and ayaka with yoimiya! losers buys the winners a treat!!" the blonde haired exclaimed, a smirk spreading through her face.

all of us nodded in accepting the challenge. another student also mentioned that the losing team will take care of cleaning up today.

there was a coach or more like a referee to keep track of the points, the game started shortly. before you knew it, lumine and your team won the first half.

the other team looked quite defeated from the opposite team winning, though a person with pale salmon pink colored hair reassured her teamates that there is still a second half to go.

the referee called everyone for a 5 minute break prior to starting the next half. lumine excused herself to take a quick bathroom visit, leaving you alone with students from your team chatting with others in the court.

you looked to the sidelines to see who was watching the game the entire time. your gaze suddenly clashed with kazuha for a brief moment, he turned away once he made eye contact with you.

is he avoiding you now? it seems like it.

the 5 minute break was quick, and everyone who was playing returned to the court in their proper places except for those who got switched out with another student.

you were doing a pretty good job at serving your chosen role in the game to the point where a few of the people on the opposing team were getting annoyed by your team's earned points.

APPLE CIDER; k.kazuhaWhere stories live. Discover now