6: A Show To Remember

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3rd person pov:

Before getting up. Dabi looks around and doesn't see any feathers.

Dabi:"I know you can hear me! There's no need to hide them!. Listen, I'm just heading to the kitchen to get something to eat!"

As dabi stands up. He feels a cold breeze. That's when he realizes that he's mostly naked.

Dabi:"After I get dressed."^Damn him. Did he bathe me? Well at least there's  signs that he didn't violate me.^

Dabi looks and sees a full change of clothes. So he gets dressed. The outfit is a black baggy t shirt, boxers, and dark blue loose-fitting baggy shorts.

After getting dressed in warm clothes. Dabi heads out in search of the kitchen and ends up on a tour of the place. That's when he notices a locked door and across the hall is the kitchen. Curious about the door. Dabi reaches to burn it. Only to remember his circumstances.

Dabi:"Right, quirkless."

Dabi searches in the kitchen. Only to finally decide on a bowl of cereal. Lucky charmy's.

Dabi:"What won't they make into a cereal now?"

Dabi poors the bowl, and it has marshmallow-bunnies with the chrunchy parts shaped like the black bulls from black clover.

Dabi then poor the milk and puts it away before heading back to watch the show.

Jeanist:"We just got a hint to what his final outfit is. As that part of the show is rated for adults. Please be sure that all children are out of the room after cozy corner."

Dabi:"Shit"^I bet he'll be expecting something when he gets back.^

Dabi scarfs down the food in frustration and anger.

Mount lady:"Here's the first outfit. "

Hawks struts out with a versage Victorian style vest and shirt combo. Worth over ¥2,700,000.00

(At the top image)

Jeanist:"Wait, those jeans. Are they the classic Levi's business style from the 70s?"

Hawks pauses at the end of the catwalk with a flick of his hips to show his natural curse.

Jeanist:"Does this mean a classic is coming back on the shelves? I must have a pair."

Mount lady:"Okay?"^weirdo^

Dabi watches and sees Hawks looking away from the camera. With one arm by his side and a hand on his hip. Hawks poses for photos before turning around to walk back.  As his back turns. His wings widen before looking over his shoulder to smile at the crowd.

Fans scream as he walks off stage.

Dabi watches to see if Hawks gives any signs of what will happen when he returns.

A comersal break separates each outfit change. Giving dabi time to drop off the bowl in the sink and rinse it off. When he returns just in time to see Hawks show return from break.

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