39: Broken Tree

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(WARNING: The following chapter contains graphic descriptions of violence and gore. Read at your own risk)

3rd person pov:

Enji balls up his fists.

Enji:^damn that bird. What is he up to?^

Natsuo waits in silence for what feels like forever.

Natsu:^ Not even he would go that far as to hide touya from us.^

Enji:"I didn't want to hurt you.  I wanted to surprise you all when I brought him home. Just in case I couldn't save him from"

Natsu:"How could you do this?! Touya is one of us! We - we could've helped you bring touya home."

Natsuo begins to cry.

Enji:"I'm sorry I didn't tell you both."

Hawks:"I told you. Now ask him where Touya's at."

Enji:"Hawks, let them go right now!"

Natsu:"Where is he dad?"

Enji growls with rage.

Enji:"The villian known as dabi is touya."

Natsuo looks at dabi to see the blood trickle off his chin.

Natsu:"Big bro?"

Hawks breaks the phone, and yet a faint signal still remains. Enji's voice isn't going through, but on the other side, everything is clear to him.

Hawks uncovers Dabi's mouth.

Hawks:"Happy day, isn't it? Now that that's over with."

Fuyumi steps forward towards dabi. Only for Hawks feather to cut her in half right as she's about to touch dabi.

Hawks smile turns to anger.

Hawks:"Don't you dare touch him."

Dabi looks forward.

Dabi:"Natsu, run for it."

Some of fuyumi's blood has gotten on Dabi's face. So natsuo stands up to run out of the open door. Just as he reaches the hallway. A feather goes in his heel and pulls him back in by his Achilles tendon by his foot.

Natsuo's legs go out from under him. Causing him to fall forward and be dragged back into the office.

Natsu wales out in pain as he's being lifted up by his impaled heel. Only for the stress to be too much. Cutting the tendon. Natsuo falls yet again. So Hawks impale the foot to lift him upside down.


Hawks sits Natsuo's throat to let him bleed out

Hawks:"It's over. You can open your eyes now baby blue."

Dabi opens his eyes to see Natsuo's final moments before the light of life in his eyes fades away.

Hawks:"You belong to me. Never forget that, babe."

Once the blood slows to a crawl. Hawks throws Natsuo's body to the office trash bin. Then he straddles dabi and unzips the pants that Hawks dressed him in when dabi was asleep before dinner.

Hawks:"Now let's continue where we left off."

Dabi's gaze is distant.

Dabi:^There's no hope. He's got me where I'll be until I die.^

Dabi opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue. Hawks sees this and puts a nearby rope there.

Hawks:"You're not leaving me. Never again, and especially not like she did."

Dabi goes limp in defeat. No more fight is left in him anymore.

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