Life or Death- Part 1

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5 months later....
Brittany POV
Today marks week 39 of my pregnancy and so far brushing has been going smoothly. James had his birthday a couple of months ago and so did Maddie. they are both so cute. I love them to pieces.

Jennie and Lamar are back on track now; both of them still trying for another baby. Victoria and Isaac still want to wait until my baby has been born because they think there is so much baby drama at the moment.

Right now I am just at home. Trevor has refused to let me go out especially cause its Week 39. He is at the moment taking Riley and James to the park with Isaac while they get some bro time and Victoria has come over with me to catch up.

"So how is everything on set going" I  ask her
"Not at all perfect cause you and Trevor aren't there.We need Riley back on the show; we are missing her when she is pregnant/on maternity leave Brittany!!" she says sarcastically
"Speaking of pregnant. you look like you are going to pop girly!" she says and I can't help but laugh
"Yeah anyday now. the kids are so excited they keep putting their ears up too my belly to try and listen to them speaking as they say" I reply and Victoria can't stop laughing
"Haha. any names?"
"Yes. well cause we don't know the gender yet, we had just come up with names for both genders. so if its a girl: Emma or Chloe and if it is a boy Joshua or Patrick." I reply
"I like those names who came up with them?" she asks
"Well we sort of did as a family. I chose Emma, Trevor chose Patrick, we asked Riley and she said Chloe as she loves jennie and she has a friend at school named Chloe and then James well apparently one of his friends at daycare is named Josh and his favourite show has the name Josh as his favourite character so when we asked him which took a long time he said Jo. which trevor and I didn't particularly like until trev went to go and pick him up from daycare and he asked the supervisor who James was playing with and he said Josh and so that's when he realised that he was saying Jo he was saying josh which me and Trevor really like so it works out well." I say really tired now.
"Oh ha ha. I know how you feel. we tried to get Maddie to tell us her friends at school but she wouldn't come clean so we still don't know." she replied
We sat there in silence mainly because she didn't have anything to say and I actually couldn't speak anymore. I don't know why. Vic looked at me in the eye and said something but I couldn't make out what it was and then everything went black.
Victoria POV

"Trevor you NEED TO COME QUICK" I literally screamed into the phone
"What? what happened?" he asked sounding really calm
"Brittany. she's blacked out. Just come home please she's scaring me!" I say while crying
"Ok I'll see you in 5. Bye see you soon. just stay calm" he says. I hang up and try everything I can to get her to wake up.
"Come on girl please just open your eyes, breathe, do something!!" I say really panicky
Then the door Bursts open and Trevor comes literally sprinting into the room with Isaac behind him with the three kids looking surprisingly happy. they, being trevor and Isaac probably haven't told them yet.

"What happened?"Trevor asks
"Well I was talking to her about Maddie and her friends at school after we were discussing baby names and then she just blacked out. I don't know why. or how. she just fell back onto the seat with her eyes closed and chest moving a little bit." I reply while Isaac comes and stands behind me wrapping his arms around my waist

I look up at him and kiss him for a short second and then look back at Britt and then start crying again
"Everything will be ok" Isaac says reassuringly
"Have you called 911?" Trevor asked
Then we heard sirens and soon enough the paramedics came rushing in through the door.
"Spoke too soon" trevor said

They take Britt with into the ambulance and trevor hops into the back with them while me and Isaac stay back at their house.
"Where's mommy and daddy?" Riley asks
I look at Isaac guiltily
"It's alright sweetie. mommy was just feeling a little bit sick so they took her to a hospital where they will make her all better again" isaac says. Riley smiles and then sits on my lap

"Good! At least mommy isn't dead." she said
"Yeah.....Sweetie. Everything is going to be ok" I said reassuringly
She nods her head and swings up and down on my lap still smiling

I then think to myself- Now that I think about it; I don't think everything's ok. something's wrong with Britt and the baby and I know that they will do everything to help save her and the baby but what if they can't?

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