Safe and Sound

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Isaac POV
"So Riley. how old are you?"Zac asks
"I'm nearly 5." She says
"Wow. isn't that exciting. are you goiń to have a birthday party?"
"Yes I hope so. Daddy am I?" she asks trevor
"Yes sweetie if you want to you can. you can invite all of your new friend from when you start school if you want?" he says
"Yes dad. that will be fun. I think I will have a the next step party. we can have a dance off, play the next step songs, watch The episodes and mummy and daddy can kiss for us like they do ALL the time at home." Riley says cheekily. Zac and I just laugh

"Come here you. we do not ALWAYS kiss at home, just when we are happy." trevor says putting Riley on his lap
"Yeah you do that's how our new baby was put in mummy's tummy. " She says. at this stage Zac and I were cracking up.
"Ok yeah. where did you learnt that from? you don't even go to school yet!!" trevor says
"Mummy told me." riley says
"Yeah well I'm going to have to have a talk with mummy aren't I?" he says glaring at Zac and I who are nearly crying it is so funny.

Jut then the doors break open and in comes a saddened vic and Brittany who vic looks like she is about to cry and brittany who is already crying.

Trevor POV
I give Riley to Zac and rush over to Brit and lead her upstairs to Zac and Alex's bedroom. She sits there in my arms for what seem like hours just sobbing.
"Are you ok?" I ask
" No. it's so hard seeing them lose their baby. we have two beautiful kids already and one on the way yet they haven't even got one. I just feel for them and I couldn't last te guilt in the room." she says through tears
"It's ok Brit it's ok. she's fine. she said she was and everything will be ok. Before you know it they could be pregnant again. You just never know." I say in a sympathetic tone
"Yeah I guess you're right."

We kiss for about 20 seconds until she breaks apart.
"I love you. so much. more than anything in the entire world." she says smiling
"You're always the one to make me feel better youre always on my toes in seconds.
"Mmmmm. I love you more and more every time you say that." I say. she kisses me one Hirt last time until she gets off the end of the bed and we walk downstairs together with our hands intertwined.

"Hey." Isaac says
"Hi." I say
"You good brittany?" Victoria asks
"Yeah. guys. I'm fine. jut a little overwhelmed that's all. it's hard cause I have two children and one on the way and they don't even have one. I just feel SO much guilt you know?"
"Yeah we understand. Maddie means the world to us." Isaac says smiling at Michelle.
"Talking about the kids. where are James and Maddie?" Brit asks
"Oh they are in the spare room asleep. we put them to bed before it all happened and they have been asleep ever since. Riley here. looks exhausted but she wanted to stay up for you two and wanted to witness the drama. which i understood." Zac says

"I think she is already asleep." vic says. we glance at Riley who is fast asleep in zacs arms with her hair all crumpled up over her eyes and breathing heavily. she's such an angel.

Brittany POV
I look over at my phone and hear it ring. I pick up its Alex.
"Hey Britt. I'm at the hospital. I just wanted to say that I think I will stay he night. I hope you and vic are ok too. you left early"
"Yeah we felt extra guilty ad couldn't stand the room. I felt really sick too but yeah that's fine I will tell Zac and em for you. send jennie and Lamar my love and I will see you shortly. we are all heading off now anyways." I say
"Ok bye Britt thankyou "
I hang up and turn my head to everyone who is anxious to know why my convo was about
"Alex is staying over at th hospital so Zac it will just be you and em tonight. she said to send her luck and she will be back tomorrow. she just wants to be beside both of them at this time." I explain
"Ok. shall we go now?" trevor asks
"Yeah it might be better i hate driving when it's really late." I say
"Oh you won't be driving"
"Yeah you're probably right- better be safe than sorry." I say
"Alright then The Tordjmans are off. bye Guys." we sat getting up. I give hugs and kisses to everyone and head off the get James with vic as she is getting mMaddie we quietly and carefully scoop them up and put hem in the carry carseat thing and go back to the lounge room where we meet the guys. trevor has Riley and he is saying bye to Emily who has woken up from her bed o come and say goodbye

We get home and all go straight to bed. we put the kids to bed and hen trevor and I snuggle for a bit in bed before we crash into a deep sleep. what a day!!

Ok- this is in tribute to my 9K reads- amazing I know!!!
QOTD: How would you spend any day with a celebrity
AOTD: Go shopping and to a live meet and greet with Brittany Raymond and then go to an Awards Nights- that would be pretty cool.

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