The bold and the beautiful......

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Trevor POV:

Today was out third day in Perth so after today we only had 4 days left and we decided to go to the beach. We all packed our cozzies and beach stuff and all walked down to the beach as our hotels were only 2 minutes from the beach.

We got down to the water side and I stripped off my shirt so I was down to my shorts and scooped up James who was in his cute little one piece zip up thing and arm bands (sort of like floats or safety bands) and jumped into the waves with him. Not longer after Britt took off her sun dress and was stripped to her Triangle bright fluorescent orange and black bikini and took Riley's hand and took her down to the edge of the water.

We could see Isaac and Victoria literally making out on the sand as Maddie was quietly sleeping away in her pram. Ha ha. What great parents they are!!! but I don't blame them I mean they been so busy looking after Maddie; even at night that they have barely had anytime to themselves.

"Those lovebirds are having fun" Britt says putting her hands over Riley's eyes. I chuckled and jut smiled.
"I guess they jut can't get enough of each other. " I say
"Well we sometimes can't either but I wouldn't dare to do it in front of Riley- she's 5. It's a bit embarrassing to be Having to sit their watching your mum and dad make out right in front of your very eyes. But I guess since maddies asleep she can't see anything." Britt says
"Yeah she's so lucky." Brit giggled in that cute sort of way. I couldn't resist giving her a quick peck on the lips.
"You know you look really hot and sexy in that bikini Brit." I tell her
"Why thank you. You looked quite hot yourself when you stripped down to just shorts I mean I couldn't stop staring."Brit says
" Ha ha. Neither could I!!!!!!" I say back
" Oh stop it trevor you perv." She says
"Nothing that I've never seen before" I say

After that we get James and Riley who have by now attempted to make a turtle out of sand but instead it sort of looked like a giant circle. we scooped them back up and made our way over to vic and Isaac and then headed home. You could tell Isaac and vic wanted more time alone to spend together.

Victoria POV
We got back to the hotel and we started getting ready for our dinner to celebrate landing in Perth. we all decided to dress up formally and go out to a really fancy restaurant. I know it isn't really necessary but it is just nice to dress up. we all agreed to put the kids to bed for a bit so we could go out later than usual and then the kids wouldn't get tired- especially Maddie and James. Us adults wanted some time to spend together with our husband/wives so we thought it would be a good time to chill.

Still Victoria's POV
Once Maddie had woken up, we all decided to get ready. After i had had a shower, i put on this short- medium length fluorescent pink dress. I wore white 3 inch heels as well as all my sliver jewellery. I kept my hair simple- just curled and short. I decided to do my makeup heavy to medium as it was formal. i applied everything from mascara to blush to lipstick it was all there.

I walked out of the bathroom and around in front of he mirror. I felt this pair of arms scoop around my waist and squeeze my hips. I jump but then realise it was only Isaac as I could see him in the mirror. I laugh and he starts kissing my neck and then finally kissing me on the lips.

"Ahhhh. you got a little something on your lips. I never knew guys wore lipstick." I say referring to the lipstick I had smudged on his lips while we were kissing.
"Oh my bad." He says laughing
"Oh ha ha." I say sarcastically
" We should get going" he says and I pick up Maddie out of her change table and we head off. Maddie is wearing a cute little floral bright pink and orange and yellow sun dress with pink sandals and a big yellow headband on her head as she hasn't got much hair yet. I can't wait for tonight. it's going to be amazing. I can't wait to see what Britt's wearing she will look gorgeous and I'm sure trevor will agree with me...........

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