retaliation || chapter 7

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Tw!! (this chapter contains slight mentions of gore/blood, and homophobic slurs)

The last weekend before summer, only 1 more week of school. That whole weekend the party had played dnd together, they went to the mall, and the arcade. They had a full packed weekend, it was amazing.

They were all in Mikes basement packing up his things as they were doing so they were all chatting, laughing and having fun together. "That campaign was amazing!" Dustin cheered as they cleaned up, Lucas then jumped on Dustin and they wrestled each other playfully. Will chuckled softly as he stuffed his things into his bag, Mike smiled glancing at Will up and down, watching his movements and he had a soft smile on his face as he did so.

Eventually Lucas and Dustin made their ways up Mikes stairs, the other two boys following along. They all got onto their bikes as Mike watched from his porch and waved, his eyes were glued to Will the entire time watching him pedal away. He smiled to himself until his friends were no longer visible after they left his driveway, he went back inside and closed the door.

The three boys chatted about possible plans for what they were going to do during the summer. They were so excited thinking about the endless possibilities..well at least the things they could do in Hawkins. After exchanging goodbyes for the day they all split up on their bikes heading down different roads, Will had never been down this road before, he slowly traced his surroundings with his eyes taking in the scenery. He had found a park he never knew was here, he smiled softly to himself and got off his bike parking it with the kickstand and sat down on a bench.

He was having a nice time relaxing until he had seen someone familiar walking along the sidewalk. Troy. His heart started to sink, he quickly sprinted up off the bench and got onto his bike, he drove off in front of Troy who recognized him, "you're dead Byers!" He yelled and began to chase Will, the brown haired boy had no idea where he was since he took a new road, he kept glancing back and looked around for Troy, but he wasn't paying attention and crashed falling off his bike down a hill.

Will panted heavily and he glanced up at the top of the hill looking and seeing Troy, he was panicked as he started to get up and ran into the woods. Troy slid down the hill and chased after him. Will was disoriented, it was starting to become sunset. Will had finally recognized an area, he was close to home.

"Where you going Byers! Your gonna regret getting me suspended you little brat!" Will started to tear up as he ran, but what he didn't realize was that there was a big vine where he was running. Wills leg got twisted as he ran into it, he fell to the ground and tried to get back up but had a pain in his ankle. It was sprained.

He soon was grabbed by the back of the shirt and was straining trying to hold Troy back who was now on top of him. Will gasped in fear hearing the click of a switchblade. "I told you, you were gonna regret that little fag." Will started to cry, "no! please!"

Troy then slashed Wills cheek and he screamed in pain, Will continued to fight back. Troy then slashed his stomach, a deep gash at that. Will was in so much pain but he mustered up the courage after gripping a rock he found under the dirt, he swung and hit Troy in the head. The male then fell to the ground and Will sat up panting, he grunted painfully and weakly tried to get back home.

Jonathan was just getting home from being out with Nancy, he got home and called for Will but he had gotten no response. He was quick to call Mikes house, which ended up with no answer either, he called the other homes and to no avail nobody knew where Will was.

Jonathan's world began to spin, where was Will? He should have been home by now? Nobody knew where he was. Castle Byers. Jonathan wiped his teary eyes and quickly sprinted out of the house.

Wills vision began to go blurry, he held onto his stomach where the gash was, he weakly smiled seeing Castle Byers. His pace began to slow down, his movements became stiffer, another sharp pain twist in his ankle. He cried in pain and weakly fell into the leaves, on the ground as he soon fainted in front of his fort. His castle.

Jonathan ran for what felt like forever, all of his fears from before started spiraling in his mind again, he quickly saw the fort they had built together that night, stumbling onto something horrifying. Will. Jonathan screamed in horror, "will! Will please! Oh my god!" Jonathan soon grabbed Will carrying him back to the house, he had never ran so fast.

Within minutes he was back at the house and quickly called an ambulance. Jonathan sobbed, "my baby brother..please please! Wake up! Will wake up!" He held Wills stomach right and cried. "Please don't leave me!" Jonathan continued to cry but he felt relief as he started to sirens.

Another minute later and they were bursting into Wills house, putting him on the gurney and checked his vitals and was doing cpr. Jonathan followed and went in the ambulance. Jonathan felt like he was losing Will all over again, what happened to him? Who did this to him? Jonathan was going to find out.

Eventually they got to the hospital and Jonathan was quick to call his mom. As the phone rang he silently sobbed, eventually it clicked and he whispered softly ", the hospital..." he muttered through his sobs and Joyce began to panic. "Jonathan! What happened? Please talk to me!" She exclaimed worriedly.

Jonathan spoke weakly, "it's Will..please come to the hospital now, he's hurt..someone hurt him-" before he could continued the phone clicked, he sighed weakly knowing she was on the way. He had called all of Wills friends and then got to Mike, the phone rang a few times and then it answered. "It's Mike, hello? Who's this?" He asked and Jonathan sighed softly, "hey Mike, it's me..Jonathan, Will the hospital.."

Mikes mouth practically dropped to the floor. "Wh-what do you mean? Jonathan he was just here an hour ago?" Mike kept making excuses because he was nervous and then Jonathan yelled. "Mike! Will is in the hospital, he's not doing too well..."  Mike shut himself up and swallowed the lump in his throat. "I'll be there soon." Mike spoke and hung up the phone.

I'm coming will, I'll always be there for you

he loves me, he loves me not ||BYLER||Where stories live. Discover now