realization || chapter 10

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Tw!! ( this chapter contains homophobic slurs and mentions of blood )

The weekend had gone by pretty fast, Mike had stayed with Will the entire time. Jonathan and Joyce had to work but Mike promised he would update them if anything happened, but he doubted it.

He dropped the magazine from his eyes and glanced over top of it to see Will sleeping, he looked so much better.

The color back to his skin, clean face from the dried blood, he wasn't weak anymore, his lips..his lips?

Mike shook his head and focused back on his magazine, it was early and he had to go to school today, Mikes mom was on the way to pick him up, she had a change of clothes for him and some other things he might need.

He checked the time and figured he would need outside now assuming his mom was there, he grabbed his jacket throwing it over himself. Mike walked over to Will and carefully put his hand on top of wills for a moment. "I'll be back as soon as school gets out." He whispered and then left the room after closing the blinds so the sun didn't shine inside his room.

Mike had gotten to school after changing in the car, brushing his teeth and spitting the excess out of the car door, and cleaned himself up in any way he could. He thanked his mom and headed inside, Lucas and Dustin had been sitting at their desks talking before class started and Mike walked in to the class and started talking with them.

They talked about Will, how his recovery was going and he was expected to make a full and easy recovery, Mike felt guilty he wanted to tell them so bad what really happened but Hopper told him he couldn't.

That was fine, he was going to get his revenge anyways. Troy had been picking on everyone long enough. Mike knew he was back from suspension today, he knew what was going to happen and he just was waiting until lunch time. One on one, no adults, no nothing. Troy was going to regret ever laying a hand on Will again.

Mike painfully waited through his first two classes, the longer he waited the more rage built up in him. He felt a wave of emotion flow over his head the second he heard the bell for lunch. Mike had planned this all day, even putting a note in Troys locker this morning.

Did he know if Troy was even going to fall for it? That he didn't know, but if worse case happened he would just have to do it around classmates an teachers, either way he didn't care because this was for Will and not to mention the years of bullying him and his friends went through.

Mike waited behind some wooden pallets and the trash can near the side of the school, and to his surprise Troy showed up, he scoffed a laugh under his breath and quietly walked up behind Troy, he was quick to wrap his arms around his neck holding him in a chokehold position but not choking him.

"hey there Troy." He whispered to the male, "why don't we go for a walk." He showed Troy where to go and held him in the hold position as they walked, eventually they got into the schools alley, he shoved Troy to the ground before quickly picking him up by the shirt and slammed his back into the wall. "You're gonna stop harassing me, my friends and especially Will." He spoke clearly and sternly.

Troy scoffed and rolled his eyes, "What you guys boyfriends or something, I knew you liked him, I always took you for the faggot type." He chuckled before getting punched in the face by Mike.

"Keep talking like that Troy and I'll make sure you either break all of your limbs unexpectedly and fall into the lake not being able to swim back up or you end up in Jail, either way you aren't winning this time not after what you did to Will."

Troy spit blood in Mikes face and laughed, "fucking queer, he turn you gay with that little love note?" He scoffed.

Mike glared and wiped the blood off his face, he slammed Troy against the wall again and threw him to the ground. Mike slammed his shoe onto the males hand, "what love note?" He asked sternly, Troy coughed and spit out some more blood. "In..In his gay little sketchbook.." he muttered. Mike bent down and grabbed his hair, "one more time I couldn't quite hear you." He said forcefully, Troy exhaled "his sketchbook."

Mike was done with this guy, he felt much better and Troy got what he deserved, "talk to any of us again, look at us again or even say anything remotely to Will ever again..." he paused and gripped his hair harder

"I will kill you." He let go and walked off, he looked back at the guy on the ground, "oh you might as well just go home, if this gets brought into anything with adults or the school I meant what I said." He walked off back into the school and washed his hands off since they were busted up and had some blood on them, he glanced up at himself and wiped off the dry blood Troy had spit on him.

As the day ended, Mike, Lucas and Dustin all chatted while he waited for his mom to pick him up. Dustin had questioned his knuckles but he said he had just scraped them against the wall walking past it earlier, for some reason they believed him. Lucas smiled "At least Will can have a couple days off from the last week if not all of it." They cheered softly and continued to chat, they had their bikes but were just waiting around until Mike left.

Eventually Mike left with his mom and he was just so excited to get back to Will, he even had a red folder of Wills assignments from his classes, he smiled thinking about the fact Will would probably enjoy it since Will was always good in school when it came to homework or anything.

Back at the hospital, Mike got back to Wills room, he smiled and they greeted each other. Will was eating and watching Tv, he was looking so much better and seeing how well he looked it made Mike feel all warm. He liked seeing Will happy.

"Brought you a present." He said softly and handed Will the folder, he opened it and chuckled, "thank you, it's great." But when Will was handed the folder he had seen Mikes hand. Will grabbed it softly and looked up at him. "Are you okay? What happened." He asked warmly. Mike felt his face warm up as he saw how gentle Will was being with his hand. "I-I um..scraped it on the brick wall at school." He said softly and Will frowned but then let go.

Mike smiled and sat down on the couch and let Will do his school work, he couldn't help but continuously glance at him over the magazine he had started reading from this morning, his heart felt like it was beating faster every time he looked at Will.

He didn't even really mind it, but the one thing that was stuck in the back of his head and was making his stomach do flips was the 'love note' Troy mentioned, it was all Mike could think about, deep down he really wanted to know what it said.

Was it even real? Mike wasn't sure but the thought of it made his heart race, his palms sweat and his stomach do flips, he finally was starting to realize what was happening or at least is what he felt.

He was in love with Will.

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