carvings on her skin

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<<Before the auction>>

"You know..." Van Eck hissed and a scream echoed in the empty cold basement. The walls were wet and cold and made of stone. It was dark and empty but full of muffled screams and pained groans and whimpers.

"I wouldn't have to do all of this if your son was not problematic! So if you want to blame someone for..." another scream. Blood splashed on the cruel man's face. "...what is happening to you." Jan said and pushed his knife further into the flesh. "Blame Wylan!"

The woman's eyebrows became angry and Jan removed the rag that was stuffed in the girl's mouth. "My son has nothing to do with your awful behavior!" she shouted and spat at her ex-husband.

He pulled out his monogramed handkerchief and wiped his face then slapped her.

He laughed the laughter of a demon, a villain. "Poor Marya looks like while you had him in you he messed you up too."

He waved two of his men over and whispered to them "Here. Get creative." and handed them his bloodied knife. He then put the rag back in the woman's mouth and placed his lips near her ear. "You know, I once tried to kill him." he confessed and brought her face closer to him his lips bare inches from her ear. "Seems like whatever is waiting for him on the other side doesn't want him either!" he paused looking out of some inexistent window and then kissed her on the cheek roughly. "But I guess you'll do just fine." He smiled at her finally letting go of her face.

Tears started slipping down Marya's bruised cheeks as he started walking away.

As he was about to leave he ordered his men. "If anything goes wrong at the auction tomorrow..You know what to do." Van Eck said bitterly and glanced at Marya for one last time.

As soon as the horrible man was out of sight the men pounded at Marya like bloodthirsty sharks.

<<After the auction>>

Wylan's father was finally where he deserved to be, but still Wylan wasn't feeling as happy as he'd though he'd be.

The crows were out for waffles and Kvas to celebrate. After a lot of talking and drinking and chatting Wylan decided to take a walk to clear his head. 'Why can't I be happy for once?' he wandered. He dreamed of this moment for so long and now that it was done he felt empty.

He assumed he had this feeling because despite the awful things he'd done to him Jan was still his father.

As he passed the square right outside the church of Barter he raised his head to find a crowd surrounding it's eastern side.

Some people were crying and others were screaming but Wylan couldn't see past them. As the crowd started clearing he pushed to get to the front.

He got stepped on, cursed at and pushed but he made it to the front.

It was a woman hung by her neck hand and legs hanging loosely, blood covering every inch of her body.

"Mom?" Wylan's shaky voice stood out from the whispers and murmurs of the crowd.

He broke out in hysterical tears and ran to get her down. His thoughts got blurry.

Some of the people held him back but he shouted at them and even punched a few.

He took a knife out of his satchel and cut the rope releasing Marya's body and she hit the ground. Wylan sobbed as he held his mother's head on his laps, shaky hands running through her beautiful curls. He examined her body and discovered something carved on her arm.

Your fault.

Same phrase covered her other arm, both her legs and her right pale cheek. Wylan  wanted to vomit at the gruesome sight. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry!" he cried and hugged her tight. He rocked back and forth for a couple minutes holding her close hot tears streaming down his face. 

For a moment his sadness overtook him and awful thoughts crossed his mind. Using the knife he freed his mother's body with to slice his throat. Blowing himself up with one of his so famous bombs. Drinking the remains of the acid he'd used on his father's safe from the little forgotten bottle on  his satchel.

'Hell I deserve it!' he thought. But he couldn't give his father the satisfaction of his death. He couldn't do this to himself. He couldn't do this to Jesper.

Back at the crow club Jesper was growing impatient and worried. "Three hours is too long to be taking fresh air, right?" He asked nervously pacing the length of the nearly empty club. "Calm down Jes. He just got his father in jail. He probably needs time to.." Nina assured him but she was cut of by a smooth, quite voice. "No, he's right. It has been too long. I'll go find him." Said Inej and made a movement to vanish. "No let me." Jesper stopped her already walking towards the door.

He desperately searched the city and finaly located Wylan by the church. 

His beautifull boyfriend was curled up, face burried in his hands, knees to his chest. His clothes and palms were red, stained with blood. "Wy?" Jesper asked placing a hand on Wylan's shoulder. Wylan didn't even look at Jesper.

The sharpshooter's heart broke to million pieces. Like he'd been shot. Then his eyes fell on a girl laying a few feet behind Wylan. She was facing the floor and her hands layed uncomfortably to her side. "Is that..." he started but chose not to finish his sentance as if it would make it less real.

Wylan finaly raised his head. His face had two palm shaped stains of blood and his eyes were wet and red. He nodded his head to answer Jesper's question and started crying again. Wylan burried his face in the tall boy's chest.

Jesper could feel his boyfriend's shouldiers shake with every sob that sounded.

"I'm sorry Wylan." he said and tightened his hug. "She's gone Jesper." the boy cried "Again!"

"You will get through this. You're going to be ok." said Jesper. 

"No I'm not!" Wylan shouted and aggressively pushed Jesper away. "It's my fault she's dead!" he said voice raised. He shot up to his feet only to loose his balance and take a step back. 

"Why would you say something like that?" Jesper asked him and stood up himself. "If I wasn't born she would've never left her easy life with my father! She would've never ended up like that!" Wylan shouted ragefull tears clearing paths on his bloodied cheeks. "I should have died that night, I should have drowned at the canal!" he said the volume of his voice trembling its way down. 

"Wylan.." Jesper whispered worry and sadness clear in his eyes. Wylan started walking away. When Jesper took a step to his direction to follow him Wylan extended an arm and stopped him leaving him stunned. 

Jesper didn't want to leave him alone but he knew better than going after him. He understood that Wylan needed some time alone.

The end thanks for reading!!

(please ignore the fact that Wylan could read the carving I just realised it)

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