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this chapter will have joking mentions of su*cide,it's a small joke but just be aware that it's there.there will also be blood and a cut,not a purposeful one.


𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐄 in my house has been exhausting and it's only been one day,i forgot how much she likes to talk

"come on jules,you can't hate me forever" she whines from the sofa "it's juliet and i don't hate you" i start "i don't feel anything towards you,you're dead to me" i say,calmly as i push out a breath,making drinks for us

"hmm" she hums to herself and then jumps up "do you still have all your records?" she asks "no" i say,lying but it's too late-she's already opened the cupboard with my records in it

"ooh i haven't seen this one before" she turns over my copy of californication by red hot chilli peppers and i walk over to her,quickly putting our drinks on the living room table then snatch back the record "don't touch my shit" i put it back and shut the cupboard and spin around

i sit down on the couch and wait for her to sit down too,but she doesn't and i roll my eyes as she heads off towards the kitchen "you need to let some light in" she opens the curtain and i pause because i haven't opened that curtain since the incident,it faces masons bedroom window.

she goes around and opens pretty much every window on the bottom floor and i just lean my head back on the sofa and shut my eyes "what's up jules? you seem stressed" she puts the back of her hand against my forehead and i practically jump up "don't touch me" i warn and she scoffs "jesus jules,you're acting like i'm a stranger.we were best friends i think you forget that" she says and i turn my head slightly as my anger grows "i wish i fucking could" i hiss and she frowns "you loved me back then" she says,and i can feel the bullshit she's about to spew-hoping for my sympathy "save it" i stop her "i've been a pawn in your games before,i know all your tricks and i won't fall for them again"

she laughs "you've changed" and i want to hit her,i'm not sure why that's what makes me want to hit her,maybe because it's her fault i'm like this

"will you just give it a rest?" i exhale and she smiles before slumping down on the sofa next to me "what are we watching?" she grabs the remote "10 things i hate about you? she's all that?" she suggests and i let out another breath "no"

she looks through the TV guide and settles on mona the vampire.i'm glad she's finally settled but it still feels like there's an anvil on my chest having her in my space again,but if that's what it takes to help tracy then god dammit i'll deal with it.


i wake up at god knows what time it is,we both obviously fell asleep on the sofa and the TV is on stand-by.i pull myself up and drag myself to the kitchen to cut up the strawberries i was supposed to eat before i went to bed.

i'm cutting them up when i feel eyes on me and i look up,out the window,and mason is looking at me.i freeze on the spot and he points to me while mouthing "you" then puts a thumb up "okay?" he mouths,i put my hand above me as if i'm holding some rope then let my head fall to the side,close my eyes and stick my tongue out as if i've just hung myself and when i open my eyes again he's laughing and i laugh a little too,looking down

i look back up and he's smiling at me and i'm smiling too,biting the inside of my bottom lip and then his smile falters and he turns back to whatever he was doing so i do the same-i know what he's thinking,he's remembered that we have history and we can't just exist as if none of that happened,as if i didn't hurt him like that

i cuss myself out in my head and it distracts me enough to slice my finger "fuck" i hiss and put my finger to my mouth,sucking the blood away like mason taught me when we were kids.i'm pretty sure it was a load of shit when he told me that if i drunk the blood it'd go back into my bloodstream but i was a kid and he was mason,so i believed him.he could have convinced me of anything,the way his eyes would shine and he'd get excited to tell me something distracted me so much that i couldn't tell fiction from non-fiction.the fairytale he gave me made me get the two confused.

it wasn't until we stopped talking that i could suddenly tell the difference.life was non-fiction,not a fairytale.when i look back up again mason's looking at me again,his eyes linger on me for a moment then he pulls down his blinds and i groan in annoyance at my past self before putting my elbows on the counter and letting my head fall onto my hands


"whatcha doing?" evie asks from behind me,dragging out her words "fuck you" i reply and she laughs a little "what?" she asks "nothing just-" i exhale "just go back to sleep" i say "what room am i sleeping in?" she asks and i feel my blood boiling "the living room"

"what i don't even get a bed? wow" she says before sauntering off into the living room,i grab the counter and breathe out,counting in my head to calm myself down

i finish cutting up the strawberries and take them out into the garden,not wanting to be too far away from evie in case she starts doing something.i spend the rest of the night regretting pretty much every decision i've made since my thirteenth birthday,like i do almost every other night.

holy shit?? 1.1k reads and 60 votes?? thank you guys so fucking much what?? 🫶🏻🫶🏻 okay i'm editing this and now it's at 50.1k reads and 1.14k votes!! thank you guys so much this story has gotten so much love i can't believe it🫶🏻🫶🏻

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