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mentions of OD and death


𝐖𝐄'𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐒𝐀𝐓 in moms room,the atmosphere is heavy and none of us really know what to say

juliet isn't crying anymore,she's leaning into my chest as i lay beside her on the edge of the bed,mom is next to her on the other side,playing with her hair and tracy is next to mom looking up at the ceiling and occasionally glancing at me,as i'm the only one she can see the face off because my head is propped up and i can tell she feels guilty

evie was arrested on suspicion of arson and the rest of us sat outside for a while just crying together until mom told us we were going to catch a cold and made us all come inside

we brought all of juliet's stuff inside and she didn't let go of me once while we did which is more than okay with me

i don't know if evie was telling the truth but based on the pain juliet is clearly feeling and the fact that we haven't seen her parents or brother in years i'm assuming she was at least telling the truth about that

my mind keeps wandering to the other thing but i know that's selfish so i tell it to shut up

juliet moves and all of us move around her,she sits up and brings her knees towards herself "you want us to leave you alone for a while?" mom asks her and she immediately reaches out for both of us,gripping us as if we could slip away at any moment "no" she responds,scared

"it's okay,we aren't going anywhere unless you tell us to" i say,putting an arm around her head as i'm now sitting up next to her and she frowns

"i guess you want to know what happened" she lets out a shaky breath and we all shake our heads no at once "you don't have to tell us yet" mom says but juliet just keeps on "if i don't say it now it'll break me tomorrow" she says "it was back when i was friends with evie.one day we were in the park and we were doing everything-yknow? weed,coke,LSD,anything we could get out hands on" mom rubs her thumb across juliet's hand while she holds it "and i overdosed" she admits and i freeze,i want to cry again but i don't because this isn't about me...but i can't help it and i'm crying

juliet squeezes my hand reassuringly and i can't believe how strong she is,she's currently telling us the story of how she overdosed which is leading to how her parents died and yet SHE'S squeezing MY hand because I'M crying?

"and evie just left me there because she was scared or something,i don't know.either way dallas found me and called an ambulance and they took me away" she goes on "and then they called my parents and they got in the car-with scotty,and started driving to the hospital but they didn't make it" she pauses for a second "i killed them" and all is us immediately go to hug her

"you didn't kill them baby,it was an accident and it had nothing to do with you" mom assured her but she shakes her head "if i hadn't have overdosed they wouldn't have been hit by that fucking drunk driver" she spits out "i was so selfish,to put other people at risk like that" she says "putting myself before them" she adds

"no baby no,you were going through something horrible and it wasn't something you chose-you didn't choose to overdose" mom tells her "i chose to take a shit ton of drugs" she says "i knew what the consequences could be"

"it wasn't your fault" i tell her,but i don't think it really gets through to her "then evie got me in a car again,which took a lot of convincing...she started smoking and then she lost control and we crashed into a tree,we almost died" she says and i squeeze her hand "i'm so sorry that happened to you" i say,resting my head against hers

there's silence for a long time before anyone says anything "so...what she said about you not cheating on mason?" tracy asks and my ears practically perk up "was she telling the truth about that too?"

"...yeah" she admits "why did you tell me you did?" i ask,softly and devoid of any accusing tone "i didn't want you to be the next one of my victims" she says and laughs a little bit "hey i'm like a really shit michael myers or something" she smiles to herself,using humour to cope but then her smile falters "i thought you'd all be safer without me.i wanted to protect you" she admits and tracy crawls over mom and hugs juliet

"i'm so sorry,i've been so mean to you over something that never happened and the results of you trying to protect us" she's crying and juliet slides her hands out of mine and moms to wrap them around tracy "it's okay,how were you meant to know? i'd have been the same if it was scotty...probably worse,actually" she lets out a small laugh and me and mom share a smile because she would have been.tracy let's go and sits in front of julie this time

julie's always been so fiercely loyal and protective of the people she loves,even if that means she's hurting herself and i cry a little harder because i can't believe i ever called this woman selfish "i'm so sorry" i tell her and she knows what i'm talking about,i can tell

"s'okay,i deserved it.i am selfish" she says and i shake my head laughing a little but not of amusement "no,no you aren't" i rest my forehead against hers and she doesn't argue with me

"i'm sorry i brought evie back into your life" tracy says "i really didn't see her for what she is" she explains and julie nods "i didn't either-at first.and besides you didn't bring evie into my life,you brought her into yours and i came stomping right back" she laughs a little and the rest of us smile "i'm proud of you" she smiled at tracy and they share another brief hug

before tracy turns to mom "now that we're apologising i guess i should tell you i'm sorry for being such a horrible child" she looks down "you aren't a horrible child baby you were just dealing with something,i'm sorry i didn't do something sooner" mom hugs tracy too and then tracy turns to me and it's my turn

"i'm sorry for yelling at you all the time and taking things out on you even when it wasn't your fault" she says "i'm sorry for projecting my own issues onto you,it hurt me to see you going through that and having you go through what made me lose julie made me angry,i didn't want to lose you too.i took out the anger i had for julie on you and i'm sorry for that.i'm sorry i didn't step in sooner,i love you dork" i tell her and she rolls her eyes but she's smiling and she hugs me

okay yeah i know i know the dead parents thing is over-used but i was like thirteen so leave me be😭 also i got a couple comments of people saying they hoped juliet didn't actually cheat on mason and i fully agree because i can not stand the second chance and cheating tropes,i am a grudge holder until i die.🕺🏻

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