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Oscar knew by the end of his F2 year that he would not be in a seat

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Oscar knew by the end of his F2 year that he would not be in a seat. It seemed unlikely and it was disappointing for him, but he knew he had to find other options. He wouldn't let himself waste away thinking that just because he couldn't get into F1 immediately that it was the end of the road for him. So he became an Alpine reserve driver, it would give him the experience he needed and would surround him with drivers who would offer him advice. It allowed him to become familiar with Esteban and Fernando who had incredible experiences of wins and with Fernando being a two-time world champion, he was motivated to find a seat for 2023.

At this time, Zoe had seen Oscar excelling throughout F2 and wished for the same abilities, being able to scrape P5s almost consistently. It was a good result however she always wondered what it would be like standing on the podium, looking at everyone below and feeling on top of the world. This led her to look for other routes after 2 years in F2 and with no change, she looked at reserve driver roles. It was almost luck that the role had one space. She applied for it with hints of doubt, believing that in such a male-dominated sport, there was no chance that she would ever be close enough to be accepted. Thankfully they were on board with the driver becoming a test and reserve driver, welcoming her with open arms, not as well as both Lando and Daniel did. The pair had become like protective brothers of the girl, often humbling her when she would talk about random things, such as would a toaster warm up a bath.

"Zoe, Zak wants to talk to you." Lando always seemed to be the messenger if Zak wanted to speak to any of the staff or drivers in the garages, Zoe found it fishy but moved on quickly as she began to go through every bad thing she had ever done thinking that Zak was going to fire her for something she did.

"Okay so I know I broke the coffee machine but please don't fire me," that was her opening line walking into the CEO's office, looking terrified when he broke into laughter at her confession.

"Well thank you for owning up but I wasn't going to mention that, I'm here to ask about your future." Okay, that was as menacing as she believed.

"What about my future?" In her mind, she thought he was on about recruiting her to the team but who would he get rid of out of the pair, and if he did that he didn't want it to be her fault for one of them being kicked off.

"Do you want to be a reserve driver next year again?" Oh. Well mildly disappointing as her thoughts had led her to think she would be a driver, but humbling.

"Oh, well I would like to if I don't find a seat for next season if that alright?" Zak had always been intimidating as she could never understand if he was joking or serious. Terrifying.

"That's alright thanks for confirming, you can go back to the garage now if you'd like."

She had somewhat sped walked away from the room, wanting to consult in the drivers, as they could understand what she meant by Zak being terrifying. As she had been staring at the floor, she was becoming a cliche and bumped into another person.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to bump into you," she began to reel off apologies that she hoped would work so the other person didn't think she was insane.

"It's alright don't worry about it," The Australian accent had scared her slightly, believing that it was Daniel if the boy didn't look the complete opposite of the other Aussie. In hindsight, he looked closer to Lando.

Zoe continued walking through the paddock, unaware of the lingering eyes which were full of curiosity about the girl he remembered racing.

jess talks

So I actually wrote a chapter for this book, sorry for keeping it up so long with no updates it's hard to think of a plot for my original thoughts! :D

I hope you enjoy this chapter and comments are welcomed!

726 words

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