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"Stay" the quiet voice broke from under the blanket

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"Stay" the quiet voice broke from under the blanket.

Oscar was confused, but mostly scared that he had misheard. The night had been so amazing he didn't want to ruin what was so new.

That led to him doing what he did best, the first thing his brain did.


Cowardly, he left the room, instantly knowing what he should have done, but he couldn't.

He had always felt as though he wasn't enough, which was ironic as he had to be confident to drive in the formula categories, and also because he never wanted to become one of those people who played their violin for their life problems.

He gathered his things from the living room and left the apartment before he could fully think through what he was doing, leaving himself tearful outside the door, and the girl in the bed tearful under the blanket.

She couldn't believe it, she wished she never said a word.

Maybe things were better left unsaid. 

Maybe she should stop trying to win him over.


Her thoughts ran wild, mind creased with the image of his face showing his emotions in plain sight even though the room was dark. She knew what he was thinking, it was too obvious.

She couldn't believe how quickly things could go from perfect to ruined.


There was silence from both sides on the days running up to Silverstone, and Zoe was saddened that this was a race he wouldn't attend, wanting to fix whatever had happened because she never wanted to lose him.

But was he hers to lose? 

Her empty mind walked around the paddock, finding the bright papaya garage and hoping Lando wasn't in his driver's room so she didn't have to talk. Or maybe she was hoping he was there so he'd make a joke, or just be there.

It had abruptly hit her how alone she felt in her mind, keeping all of this inside and praying that it would just disappear and fade into the abyss.

Knocking the door lightly, knuckles grazing the door with defeat, there was quiet rustling inside and the door was then slightly opened as the other Brit looked through the gap wondering who needed him on the Thursday as the press conference was in 2 hours.

"Hey, are you okay?"

He could see the fatigue in her eyes and the sadness with coated her posture, and immediately hugged her, feeling the girl begin to shake as her body rattled out muffled sobs into his shoulder.

She didn't know why the Oscar situation had hurt her so badly, she thought she'd be okay. But it's the simple things which tend to cause the most pain, and the simple act of him walking away truly hurt her.

"Do you want to stay in here for a bit longer and talk about it?" he asked, concern laced in his tone and he realised he became rather brotherly to Zoe whenever she was upset.

As she nodded, he brought her into the room and allowed her to spill all of the problems that occurred, having to soothe him at one point as he looked as though he was going to go and fight the Aussie.

"I just feel like it was all for nothing, and that he doesn't like me at this point," she admitted, head hanging low at the thought of unrequited feelings.

"Listen, Zoe ill be honest with you, the way he looks at you he can't be lying, but he might be scared like you. Although acting as your brother, I do want to hunt him down but I think you have to talk to him about this if you want to figure it all out." Lando said, and as he slowly said his words realisation hit her that all her thoughts were assumptions and what if it want what she thought?

"Thank you so much, I think I'm going to go for a walk around the paddock," she said, eyes flickering with realisation, wanting some fresh air to soothe her thoughts.

Walking near the food stalls inside the Mclaren catering, she grabbed a cup of coffee and went for her walk, reluctantly pulling out her phone as if it was deja vu.

It was as though the pair never argued, but whenever a problem happened they would ignore each other for as long as they could, which was unhealthy but again moving swiftly on, she looked at his contact.


We need to talk, don't we?

jess talks

oh my god thank you so much for 3k reads that is so amazing

sorry for the lack of updates college was a lot of work

hope you enjoy this, it was going to go differently with oscar and zoe making up and her talking to seb at silverstone so i might do that next chapter if it sounds alright.

don't forget to vote and comment if there's anything you like or needs changing :))))

again thank you so much for 3k reads and 100 votes <3

Love From The Other Side - Oscar PiastriWhere stories live. Discover now