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"I have a date tonight!" she squealed to the pair

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"I have a date tonight!" she squealed to the pair.

The Mclaren pair had a smug look painted on their faces, ready to ask her a thousand questions about what would happen before the girl quickly silenced them.

"I have no idea what's happening, Oscar's planning it," She spoke having a blush form across her cheeks with excitement and hints of anxiety.

After the moment of realisation that she was actually going on a date with the Aussie, she had a wave of adrenaline and panic hit her simultaneously, leaving her to blurt out her every thought to the unfortunate victims.

"Wait, what if he doesn't show? What if it's all a joke? Whatifheislying?" she frantically spoke, noticing the pair exchange looks of confusion and fear as the girl began ranting at them.

"Are you joking?" Daniel began "That boy looks at you like you're his world, there is no doubt that he wants this."

After many pep talks that the pair had to give Zoe before she left, it took a while for Oscar to decide what he was planning, as he had wandered around the paddock trying to find the McLaren pair to ask what she liked.

As he walked around aimlessly near the McLaren garages he recognised two voices.

"Oh here he comes, do you think he's gonna ask us on a date next?" Lando exclaimed loudly, not realising how many people were around, swiftly being hit in the rib by the Australian beside him.

"Sorry about him mate, he's had too much sugar and needs a nap soon," Daniel joked to the young driver in front of him, noticing how Oscar's eyes had widened at Lando's joke in panic.

"It's okay, if I ask you a question you won't tell Zoe will you?" the younger Aussie asked, not realising how his question sounded as though he would back out of the afternoon.

"Of course,"


They replied at the same time, mildly scaring Oscar and making many of those walking in the paddock looking at the Brit in fear.

"NO, of course not, I just want to know what restaurant she likes the most, and thought you two might know well," he spoke, his face showing how scared he was of the pair, believing they were trying to intimidate him. 

Daniel was intimidating.

Lando was trying his best.

"Zoe loves going to eat sushi, she wanted to go with Lando before but he proceeded to gag at her and then curse her out for 20 minutes" Daniel casually spoke.

"I DONT LIKE FISH" he screamed

"Okay, so sushi is a good option. Thank you guys for the help" he replied before walking towards the Alpine garages to message Zoe.

"He's in deep now"


Meet me at the front of the hotel tonight

8 pm

if that's okay with you

I hope

I need to stop now

okay see you tonight


jess talks

chapter because oscar won

oh my god I'm so proud of him, him and Lando did so well

sorry for such a delayed update i wasn't sure i liked how the book was being written and still think its not the greatest but will try to update more frequently

thank you for 13k reads and for every vote of a chapter :)

don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts so i can improve in the future! :)

561 words

Love From The Other Side - Oscar PiastriWhere stories live. Discover now