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"Well, you were right," 

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"Well, you were right," 

"Oscar," she spoke, turning around to hug the other Australian, thankful for his presence at that moment. "How come you are here?"

"Well, I just need to pop inside for a moment." He replied shortly, evidently hiding something as Zoe's eyes watched him suspiciously.

"Okay, have fun, I'm going to find Lando," 

As Oscar had walked through the centre, he walked into Zak's office, where the man held a smug smile on his face.

"Oscar, I wanted to offer you a chance to drive in our car for 2023," he admitted, not beating around the bush with any facts or lies.

"That sounds like a good offer, but what about Daniel and Zoe? Daniel's contract ends in 2023 and Zoe is reserved so that would be the next option, I thought?" he questioned, debating how good of an offer this would be, knowing he would have to consult with his manager, Mark Webber.

"We are planning on buying Daniel out of his contract as his performance has been lacklustre, and I have never promised Zoe a seat," he answered, making Oscar feel rather guilty if he accepted the seat which Zoe had been working towards.

"I will talk about it with my manager and come back to you with an answer," He knew it was a bad decision and would probably blow up in his face if Zoe figured out she wasn't going to drive for Mclaren.

"Thank you, Oscar, you are a promising talent for this sport." Zak was trying to win Oscar over, as it would be hilarious for Alpine if Zak could sign a contract with Oscar.

Walking out, he felt a weight on his shoulders, knowing that it would betray both Zoe and Alpine, however, they had planned to send him to Williams if Fernando renegotiated with them, so what was he supposed to do? 

Wait at Alpine until he was eventually considered?

He had to secure his career and he knew he had to take risks.

Zoe had seen his looming face looking as though he was deep in thought and wished to go over to him. She had the suspicion that he would want to take a seat at Mclaren but felt it would go against Alpine and trusted Oscar was loyal to the academy which funded him.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked him, as he seemed lost in his thoughts, burdened with some form of issue.

"Im alright just a bit overwhelmed right now. Monaco is a popular race weekend, a lot of people," he answered shortly, feeling his heart speed up as he made himself aware of the abundance of people who seemed to be cramped into the small paddock.

"Okay, Oscar come with me, we will find somewhere quiet so you relax. Whilst we walk can you breathe with me" she spoke, kindness soaking her words, concern laced on her face, support drowning her actions.

He nodded, holding onto her wrist as they walked through the paddock to a silent area with a bench, where he quickly walked and sat on to avoid falling over, as his legs began to crumble under the pressure.

"Hey Oscar look," She walked in front of him and placed his hand on her chest, "breath with me, you are safe," it had scared her seeing him like this, however, tried using the tactic which her brother had used with her when she'd experience that.

After 10 minutes of sitting with Oscar, gradually collected his thoughts as he overflowed and spilt, "How did you know how to help me?" he questioned.

"Lando always helped me when I got overwhelmed, he always had a talent for it," she admitted, realising how lucky she was to know the Brit.

"Have you known him for long, I thought this was your first year at Mclaren?"

"It is, we knew each other in karting, and we just clicked. Ever since that day, he's always been there for me, may as well be my brother at this point." she laughed, she had never admitted her bond with Lando, fearful he may experience situations like Oscar had.

"That sounds really cool, thank you for helping me, I don't know what came over me there," he thanked, grateful for her presence and support, smiling at the girl in front of him.

"Don't worry about it," She smiled back.

jess talks

i didn't want to romanticize having anxiety so if this was a bit bad please tell me so i can change it :)

oscar and zoe fluff

also lando and zoe are ride or dies 

remember to comment or vote your opinions as it helps me to improve <3

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