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"I do like you more than that though," he replied

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"I do like you more than that though," he replied.

She was stunned. She had spent so long with her mind convincing her that he couldn't like her, why would he?


"Wait let's go somewhere more private," he suggested, not wanting to force the already panic-stricken girl into a situation which may make the feeling worse.

As they strode towards the Alpine centre in the paddock, Zoe found herself looking around, feeling paranoid that the event may be a twisted dream that she is in to feed the delusions, not noticing Lando and Daniel trying to subtly stroll close to the pair feeling defensive of the Brit.

Entering an empty room, the girl began to unload the information that Oscar had just casually spoken as though it was obvious.

"So, you like me," she spoke, voice coated with the realisation that slowly washed over her.

"It's almost impossible not to," he spoke, almost laughing at her confusion about the evaluation "Come on, Zoe you're amazing. It's a surprise that you're confused by that, and I like the fact that you're just you."

"I'm just me?" she remarked.

"There are not enough words to speak about how amazing and beautiful you really are," he mumbled, cheeks flushing red at the gradual embarrassment the Aussie felt about speaking his feelings.

The Brit felt herself matching the boy's expression and felt her face flush a scarlet tone.

"So, what now?" he spoke, knowing he immediately ruined the mood that they had created however felt anxious about the change that might happen to them. She was the best person in his life and he didn't want to lose her.

"Well, I suppose we could take it slow? Maybe go on dates?" Zoe had felt herself tense up feeling unfamiliar with the situation but happy that she could experience this with Oscar.

"Doyouwanttogoonadatetonight?" he blurted out, again with his face turning a shade of maroon.

"Huh? Say it a little slower," she questioned with a grin, completely understanding what he had said but purely wanting to see how red he could turn.

"Do you... erm, want to... erm go on a date... tonight?" he stuttered, fulfilling Zoe's task of seeing how red he could turn as he was close to resembling Ferrari.

"Of course I would Oscar, just message me the times and where," she spoke with a wink, as she turned leaving the room, and further leaving him to crumple onto the floor, impressed by his confidence however then realising he wasn't very confident at all then.

Zoe found herself impressed she could conceal her excitement, making heads turn in the paddock as she ran with a grin over to the Mclaren section to find Lando and Daniel.

When she noticed her victims, she threw herself at the pair, making sure before doing so that they weren't doing anything too important otherwise she would be kissing her job goodbye.

She noticed the pair had a slightly smug grin, realising they had followed the pair for half of the journey and felt as though they were proud parents witnessing their ship sail.

"I have a date tonight" she squealed to her brothers.

jess talks

to begin with, id like to thank everyone who is reading this book, its so impressive and i never expected this support so thank you for all the votes and the comments its so funny to see how everyone views the book and i love reading the comments too :) <3

this chapter is a filler before the actual date and then i can go into the whole alpine oscar drama I'm excited

also oscar in hungary, the first lap i wanted to cry for him he's doing so well <3

remember to comment and vote your opinions so i know what is going well and any suggestions you may have :)

638 words

Love From The Other Side - Oscar PiastriWhere stories live. Discover now