2;Eid runs with the seven big H's

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Flashback In italics, xx.. Enjoy>>

24th February, 2023
.......Hamdan's call made me leave the hall to the parking space which was lit with security lights.

"Yo sis! I'm going out now, mama and papa are out, can you help me tell them that I'm with you?"
"Definitely not! Where are you going to this late?" I asked standing in front of a parked Benz 4matic
"A friend's place, please, don't do this naaa!" He whined.
"At that friend's place,  if you are going to do anything haram then don't go!, I repeat Danny!, anything haram; be it alcohol, drugs gambling, girls, girls!"
"I assure you, we are doing none of those!"
"No sis, c'mon! Trust your Danny!"
"Okay but  if I find out that you did anything prohibited or even the one that will make me or our parents angry then consider yourself dead!"
"Okay sis, thanks! Bye!"
As I removed the phone from my ear, a man dressed in Royal blue kaftan appeared in front of me and my breath hitched.
He was so fucking handsome!
Dark skinned, average nose, shiny eyes , average beard that  covered his whole jaw, not too much, not too small.
Prophet yousseff's brother?(A.s)
"Assalam Alaykum, I'm Hassan, I have been watching you since you stepped in. Can I have your contact?"
I remember every word he said like it happened yesterday because the aftermath was a shocking one.
"Um.. Wa Alaykum salam, I'm Afrah" I replied
"So Afrah, can I get your contact?"
"I'm interested in you, I will come meet your dad if you are okay with it"
Oh my lorddddd! This handsome Angel is interested in me??! He is thinking of coming to my dad?!
Maa shaa Allah!(Allah has willed it!)
"Yeah, sure!" I said and spelt out my contact to him.
Looking back at  it now, I curse the devil that made me carried away by his beauty!!

"So, see you around?"
"Expect a call beaut!" He said with a wink and left for his car which I was standing in front of.
I watched him  drive out with my breath hitched.
What just happened?.

Through out the night, I couldn't focus on my best friend's party, all I thought about was Hassan.

The cursed man.
That day has been my cursed day ever since.
I hate to say but my best friend's day is my cursed day looking at it now.......


"Get your ass up Husnah!"
"Stand up Afrah! " someone added
"Y'all should leave me alone!" I managed to mumble out.

"Bruh!, we would if we had nothing to do!", I heard Hannah say.
" what is it? " I asked removing my sleep mask and turning to them.
"Late eid shopping" Hanifah replied
" hmmm" I hummed not ready to rise.
"The boys are waiting naa!" Hind whinned .
"OK, OK, I'm going to the bath" I announced lazily walking to the end suite.

"This one that you are doing like this Afrah, did you have a nightmare about 'him'?" Hannah asked
"Why would she?,it has been 7 months fa!" Hakeem said.
"Abi is two month of moving on not enough ni?", Hamzah said.
"Drop the topic guys, I'm just feeling sick" k told them not wanting to go back to my stupid past, I glanced at a display of Abayas
"And I need to get an Abaya sef," I muttered to their hearing as we walked through the aisle of Jabi mall.
"What for?"
"My company organized an eid party and welcome party for our boss, he is coming to stay after completing his masters abroad."
"Uuuh! But I bought enough Abayas for you already" Hind said.
"Awww, thanks Mrs Hakeem!" I teased. She kinda has a crush  on Hakeem.
"What's my name doing in you lots conversation?" Hakeem who was chatting with the guys turned to us.
"Nothing!" We all giggled
"Shift jare!" I said pushing Hamzah away from the cabinet where I was applying icing on the cake we baked.
"I have an announcement guys!" Hanif called.
"Shoot it!"
Well, we were all sat in the kitchen making pastries of different kinds because  it's the last day of Ramadan!
"I found a girl and we might be tying the knot soon"
"My guy!"
"Finally, a celebration!"
"I wonder how she fell for a wired human like you"
"May yours be among the best!" I added my comment.
"Aameen!" They all yelled because all of us eyes has seen shege in what we call 'relationship'.
"What are you peeps cooking since?" Hamdan asked sauntering in.
"Hmm, this looks good!" He said eyeing the samosas Hind was frying
"Are you not fasting ni?" She asked shooing him off.



See y'all later

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