5; Meeting with the big boss.

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During the five months of the marriage.

"Hassan, can you stop working and come eat?!" I called out from the dinning.

"I'm busy", he replied casually.
" your food would get cold",I convinced.
He sighed and came to the dinning and I walked up to Him, draped my arms around him and ran my hand through his curly Afro hair lovingly.
To think I loved him so much!! Tsk tsk tsk.   — Afrah's present mind..

His curly hair was my highest weakness, especially when wet..
Gosh! I literally melt!!
He is half caste, a  Nigerian from his dad and Spanish from his mom's side
"You work too much, h", I said and he sighed again.
" I'll adjust, I promise ", he said and I stood on my toe to reach his lips and merged our lips.
He didn't reciprocate it, he just stood there, motionless.

Makes sense why he did that...

Bastard was going to divorce me!!

•|Afrah•|.           •Abuja, Nigeria •.

" I really hope it's nothing out of the ordinary ", Asiyah mused as walked to the big boss' office.
" just calm down. He isn't some arrogant, mean boss", I said
"Good day, MJ", I and Asiyah chorused to big boss' assistant.
" good day, boss has been waiting for you ladies", MJ said.
"He's not gonna be mad right?", Asiyah asked.
" nah, I doubt it!"

MJ led us in and we greeted as he left.
"So, Ms. El- Jamil, I see you and your assistant here,taking my company to greater heights", boss said.
" yes Sir ", I managed to say as I couldn't get my damn self together, don't know why, probably his looks because....
This guy is handsome!
Nah, scratch that. He is hot!!

Ehn, your boss abi?

I glared at my subconscious and tuned my mind to what he was saying.
" I just wanna commend you both for the great work and  I hope you get better", he said.

His accent?
Like...... Damn!!!

Not the typical Nigerian or British accent. His was .... Foreign? Can't quite tell which one.
"Thanks so much sir", I said nicely.
" I'm not a social media person but then I do check it at times and I get blown away every time!" , he continued and I smiled.
"Thanks Sir, we'll keep the good job up!", I said with a little curtsey.
" great! You can leave", he said with a breath taking smile. My eyes fell on the silver name plate in front of him before I left.

Hanbal S. Bello.
CEO, H's interiors and furnitures.


I rolled my eyes at my subconscious mind that kept replaying his name.
Why does his name ring a bell though?

I and Asiyah got to my office and the intercom rang immediately.
"Mrs Okiki just arrived ma'am," the receptionist said.
"Okay, I'm on my way", I said and hung up.
" Mrs Okiki is here," I told Asiyah.
We both went to receive her and led her to my office.
"Well, I have heard quite a lot about H's interiors and furniture especially from your promotion and I'm impressed!", she said as we showed her our new furniture release that she was going to advertise along with  the promotion of the company.
" so, when is convenient for you? ", I asked.
" will tomorrow be okay?", she asked.
"Perfect!", I exclaimed.
" okay then, I don't need to bring my photographer or anything right?", she asked.
"Yeah, everything including your costume will be provided but the costume isn't a must, you can decide to use yours," Asiyah explained.
"OK, that's great. I'll leave now," she said.
"Nice meeting you once again ma'am," I said
"Nice meeting you too, keep the good work done," she said and hugged I and Asiyah.
Once she was gone;
"I can't believe we just met Thee Okiki lawal!", Asiyah cooed.
" ikr!".
"We should have taken a picture", she whined.
" tomorrow is another day!", I said.
"Yeah! And I still can't believe she put the shoot for tomorrow!", She exclaimed.
" the power of dua and dedication! "

The day finished in a blur and all what I and Asiyah anticipated was the next day; the shoot with Thee Okiki Lawal!.
Shoot days are always fun to be honest because it is more of what you love doing than office work. But then, they both work hand in gloves!

" see ya tomorrow!! ", I waved Asiyah good bye. She was waiting for her boyfriend or lemme say fiancé to come pick her. Those two are cute though!
The best couple I have associated with!💜.

" Husnah,"
I rolled my eyes at the voice and turned to Mr Tilde.
"Hey!", I greeted dryly.
" I texted you since yesterday and it's still unread", he accused.
"Ohh!, I have been busy and must have forgotten!", I said with a super fake smile.
" well, I wanted to invite you to my sister's wedding this Saturday. You don't have to attend all event, just kamu and dinner and I'll be fine!" He said.
"Well...." I trailed  off, looking for an excuse but found non.
"Uhmm, I'll try to make it", I said.
" thanks, it means a lot ", he said with a grin.
" yeah. You don't mind me coming with someone right?" I asked and his smile fell.

Gosh! Afrah, you are such a killjoy!!

"Er... No problem!"

See, e no get choice!!

"Okay then, I'll get going!", I said and brisked away to my car.

I won't say I'm back! But don't lose hope🙂😽.

I'm trying to make it up to y'all!.

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