4;Back to work

8 6 7

5 months after the wedding.

"Hassan, is this why you never ever touched me, or kissed me not to start talking about intimacy!?" I asked amidst sobs.

"Foolish enough to just figure that out!" He said with so much venom laced in his voice.
"Hassan! I loved you! I still do!" I cried out.
"Is the feeling mutual??" He asked.
"Hassan, you can't do this to me! No you can't! We were normal! Just tell me what wrong I did and I swear I will correct it!"
"Oh babe! This is not a correctable mistake, it's too late to correct it. You made a mistake when you fell in love with me and when you got married to me!. That, is  your fvcking mistake!!. Now, sign this god-damned thing and let me go!!" He yelled making me flinch and crushing my heart a million pieces.
"No! No Hassan shehu Bello!! No, I won't sign it!" I yelled too.
"Fine, don't! I have pronounced the 'divorce' thrice which means Islamically, we are divorced! Don't bother staying for your 40 days īddah! Just fuck off!!"

I stared surprisedly at my supposed handsome husband! I loved him with every fibre of my being!!
"I will tell my family that I caught you at a hotel in another Man's arm so that is the reason for our separation!!" He spewed out and I staggered back in shock!
"And you dare not oppose!!" He said and walked off.
I was to shocked to pull him back and slap him or even vent out my anger, instead, I senselessly picked up the paper and pen and penned my signature down.

Officially a divorcé.

'Every experience is a lesson.'

I jogged out of the house with my canon vlogging camera on my neck, a wrap of toast, my car keys and bag.

When you are almost late to work😌.

After organising myself in my Mercedes Benz e350, I switched on my camera.
"Hey everyone, Assalam Alaykum! It's your girl Husnah and I'm back again with another vloggggg!! This is just a day in my life because I'm trying to get my balance back since the Ramadan break. Anyways, how was your Eid? Mine was fine as you all must have seen from my vlog, if you haven't watched it, bruh! What are you waiting for!?....." I ranted to my camera as I drove.
I find peace in vlogging!

A/n; I find absolute happiness and solace in vlogging too.
My fave arewa vloggers;
Umeetaa Rabiu
Fatima Garba
Maryam rabiu(beautey)
Aesha Abdulkabeer
And many more....
Non arewa;
Farhana oberson
Nicole laeno
Aysha Harun
Zulaykha sulaiman.....

Back to the story...

I arrived the office 8:00 on dot and I sighed in relief! At least, I'm not late!

Busy work day ahead! I sang in my brain as Asiyah jog towards me.
"Assalam Alaykum Aj!" She greeted holding the iPad containing my schedule probably.
"Wa Alaykum salam!"
"We have a meeting with Mrs Okiki, the furniture enthusiasts and bag influencer by 9, filming the new stock release after that, sending Mr Awila his gifts for the ad he did for us"
"OK, have you finished editing the video i asked you to edit?" I asked
"Yeah, will post it now."
"Prepare for the meeting with Mrs okiki and Mrs Lola said we have a meeting with the big boss." I told her
"Big boss? Why?" She asked
"No clue!".


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