chapter twenty.

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chapter twenty.
The Rise of a Grisha


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DAWN WAS CREEPING OVER KRIBIRSK THAT morning. I sat down on my cot and stared unseeingly at my room. My limbs felt heavy, my mind a blank. I was still sitting there when Genya arrived.

She helped me wash my face and change into the black, gold, and pale blue kefta I'd worn to the winter fete. I looked down at the silk and thought of tearing it to shreds, but somehow I couldn't manage to move. My hands stayed limp at my sides.

Genya steered me into the painted chair. I sat still as she arranged my hair, pulling it back into the same waterfall braids she'd secured with golden pins that hung with golden chains down my back.

When she had finished, she pressed her cheek against mine and led me to Ivan, placing my hand on his arm like a bride. Not a word had passed between us. Ivan led me to the Grisha tent, where I took my place by the Darkling's side, waiting for Alina to arrive.

I knew that my friends were watching me, whispering, wondering what was wrong as tears polled my eyes, but they probably thought I was nervous about entering the Fold. They were wrong. I wasn't nervous or frightened. I wasn't anything anymore.

Alina and the orprichniki arrived a few minutes later. She started blankly up at the Darkling as she walked towards us and took her side opposite of me. She was wearing the same kefta she'd worn to the winter fete as well.

The Grisha followed us in an ordered processional all the way to the dry docks. There, only a select few were permitted to board the sand skiff. It was larger than any I'd seen and equipped with three enormous sails emblazoned with the Darkling's symbol. I scanned the crowds of soldiers and Grisha on the skiff.

I knew Mal must be on board somewhere, but what about Rebecca and Aliya? The Darkling, Alina, and I were escorted to the front of the skiff, where we were introduced to a group of elaborately dressed men with blond beards and piercing blue eyes.

With a start, I realized they were Fjerdan ambassadors. Beside them, In crimson silks, stood a delegation from the Shu Han, and next to them, a group of Kerch tradesmen in short coats with curiously belled sleeves. An envoy of the King stood with them in full military dress, his pale blue sash bearing a golden double eagle, a stern expression on his weathered countenance.

I studied them curiously. This must be why the Darkling had delayed our trip into the Fold. He'd needed time to assemble the proper audience, witnesses who would attest to his newfound power. But just how far did he intend to go? A feeling of foreboding stirred inside of me, disturbing the lovely numbness that had held me in its grip all morning.

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