chapter twenty-one.

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chapter twenty-one.
The Fall of a Grisha

✯Warning✯ Slightly graphic fight scenes, mild sexual content, mild gore

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Slightly graphic fight scenes, mild sexual content, mild gore

THE IDEA OF TOMORROW NIGHT'S BIRTHDAY DINNER filled me with dread. Perhaps I could make some excuse, I considered as I stomped across the grounds. I could send a nice note to the Grand Palace sealed with wax and emblazoned with the Summoner's official seal:

To Their most royal majesties, the King and Queen of Ravka:

It is with a sad heart that I must prober my retreats and inform you that I will be unable to attend the festivities celebrating the birth of Prince Nikolai Lantsov, Grand Duke of Udova.

Unfortunate coincidences have arisen, namely that my best friend can't seem to stand the sight of me, and your son making the mistake of saying the wrong choice of words to me about my long lost love. But there's a very good chance that if I'm forced to sit through his stupid birthday dinner, I'll end up sobbing into my cake. With best wishes on this happiest of occasions,

Freya Julikov, Idiot

When I reached the Darkling's chambers, Tamar was reading in the common room. She looked up when I entered, but my mood must have shown on my face, because she didn't say a word.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, so I propped myself up in bed with one of the books I'd taken from the library, an old travel guide that listed Ravka's famous monuments. I had the barest hope that it would point me toward the arch. I tried to focus, but I found myself reading the same sentence again and again. My head was muzzy with champagne that sat at my bedside and my feet felt cold. Alina might be back from the lake. If I knocked on her door and she answered, what would I say?

I tossed the book aside. I didn't know what to say to Alina. I never did these days. But maybe I could just start with the truth: that I had been lost and confused lately and that I kept seeing the Darkling. I needed to at least try to heal the rift between us before it was completely beyond repair. No matter what she thought afterward, it couldn't get much worse.

I peeked into the common room.

"Is Alina back yet?" I asked Tamar.

She shook her head.

I swallowed my pride and asked, "Do you know where she is currently?"

Tamar sighed. "Get your shoes. I'll take you to her."

"Where is she?"

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