chapter eight.

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chapter eight.
The Fall of a Grisha

THE WINDS WARMED, AND THE WATERS TURNED from gray to blue as the Volkvolny carried us southeast to Ravka

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THE WINDS WARMED, AND THE WATERS TURNED from gray to blue as the Volkvolny carried us southeast to Ravka. Sturmhond's crew was made up of sailors and rogue Grisha who worked together to keep the ship running smoothly. Despite the stories that had spread about the power of the second amplifier, they didn't pay us much attention, though they occasionally came to watch Alina and I practice at the schooner's stern.

We were careful, never pushing too hard, always summoning at noon, when the sun was high in the sky and there was no chance of our efforts being spotted. Mal didn't talk to me, but Alina reassured me that he felt horrible for what he'd said.

I was fascinated by the rogues. They all had different stories. One had an aunt who had sprinted him away rather than let him be turned over to the Darkling. Another had deserted the Second Army. Another had been hidden in a root cellar when the Grisha Examiners arrived to test her.

"My mother told them I'd been killed by the fever that had swept through our village the previous spring." the Tidemaker said. "The neighbors cut my hair and passed me off as their dead otkazat'sya son until I was old enough to leave."

Tolya and Tamar's mother had been a Grisha stationed on Ravka's southern border when she met their father, a Shu Han mercenary. "When she died," Tamar explained, "she made my father promise not to let us be drafted into the Second Army. We left for Novyi Zem the next day."

Most rogue Grisha ended up in Novyi Zem. Aside from Ravka, it was the only place where they didn't have to fear being experimented on by Shu doctors or burned by Fjerdan witch hunters. Even so, they had to be cautious about displaying their power. Grisha were valued slaves, and less scrupulous Kerch traders were known to round them up and sell them in secret auctions.

These were the very threats that had led so many Grisha to take refuge in Ravka and join the Second Army in the first place. But the rogues thought differently. For them, a life spent looking over their shoulders and moving from one place to another to avoid discovery was preferable to a life in service to the Darkling and the Ravkan King.

It was a choice I understood. After a few monotonous days on the schooner, Alina and I asked Tamar if she would show us some Zemeni combat techniques. It helped ease the tedium of shipboard life and the awful anxiety of returning to West Ravka.

Sturmhond's crew had confirmed the disturbing rumors we'd picked up in Novyi Zem. Crossing the Fold had all but ceased, and refugees were fleeing its expanding shores. The First Army was close to revolt, and the Second Army was in tatters. I was most frightened by the news that the Apparats cult of the Sun Saints were growing.

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