
2.9K 78 7

Word Number : 436
Published : June 10, 2015


February 2, 2016 2:17pm

It was just something that couldn't be prevented. The black consuming his every feeling and light of vision. His thoughts began getting hazy and his body numb as tears flowed out of his eyes and down his face freely with nothing to hold them back. A tightness was felt in his chest and his hands trembled as a cloud of gray began consuming him, slowly turning darker until he no longer saw light and it was all just black.

Thousands of images raced through him and a small smile crossed his lips and he finally let his mind take over. Everything flowed through his body and he let a whine escape him when the tightness in his chest grew.

Red was splattered on the floor and it stained his clothes as he applied pressure to his wrist and watched the liquid seep from his opened skin down to his palm and then dribble down from between his spread fingers. A sense of comfort began to fill his body and he stayed sat on the ground just observing the red staining him. The metallic sharp object was next to him just lying there innocently when it played a big role in this scene. It was left alone, forgotten for a while until it would be needed again and then it would repeat and keep pretending that it was innocent.

Faint steps were heard in the back of his hazy mind, but he continued looking at his slit wrist and running the tips of his fingers over the wounds.

"Lou?" Niall's voice broke him from his clouded thoughts making him jump and look at the closed and locked bathroom door.

"Yea?" He called back weakly as he pushed himself to his feet and turned on the faucet.

"Are you alright mate? Can you open the door?" Louis panicked for a brief second but then grabbed the shiny and bloodied razor and quickly tucked it in his pocket.

"Yea give me a minute." He didn't bother with the blood on the floor or the one on his clothes he just quickly wrapped his wrist and then pulled down the sleeves on his shirt so they covered his arms before he unlocked the door and pulled it open.

"Jesus mate, what the hell happened in here?" The Irish lad asked in worry.

"It was a surprise nose bleed when i came for a wee. just started leaking got it all over my clothes too." Niall looked at his stained shirt and jeans and nodded with a frown.

"Are you okay now though?"

"Don't worry about me Ni, I'm fine."


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