Prologue: Coming to Meet Someone Very Special

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Lucifer is down in hell doing what he can to help the souls get up to Heaven. He decided to go meet his baby Daughter for the first time as a baby. Lucifer appears at Emma's apartment, He hesitates to knock on the door. He knocks and Emma opens the door to see Lucifer standing there.

Emma looks at him and says "Lucifer, I thought you were going to stay and help people in Hell?" Lucifer smiles and says "I am, Winchester, But I wanted to come to meet someone very special. To see Rory as a baby before, I stay down there forever. If I can?"

Emma smiles and says "Sure, Come on in." Lucifer walks in and Emma closes the door and goes to get Rory. Emma came out of the room with Baby Rory. Lucifer Smiled at his daughter. Emma hands Rory to Lucifer. He looks at her with Aww. Wondering what Rory's life would be like if he was involved. But He had the promise to keep to his Adult version of his daughter.

Emma smiles and sits down looking at Lucifer holding Rory. Lucifer just held Baby Rory for 3 hours. Emma still smiling looking at him with Rory. It was time to put Rory to bed. She got up and said, "Lucifer, It's time to put her to bed." Lucifer looks at her and says "Where's her room? I'll put her in bed." Emma smiled and said "Trixie's old room. She gave up her room when she stays over for Rory." as she pointed.

Lucifer got up and went into the room put Rory in her baby crib, and rubbed her stomach until she went to sleep. Lucifer kisses Rory's forehead and walks out of the room and closes the door. Emma looks at Lucifer and sees a tear running down his face. She walks over to him and wipes the tear and says "Since, your here. Why don't we have some fun, Before you have to go?" Lucifer smiled and says "I'd love that, Winchester." They walk into Emma's bedroom. They start to kiss while removing clothing and they have sex.

Lucifer gets up the next day Emma wakes up to see Lucifer getting dressed and says "Lucifer, I love you." Lucifer looks up and smiles at her and says "I love you too, Emma Winchester. My beautiful wife." He kisses her and then kisses her forehead and says "I'll always think of you, Emma. See you when I see you." Lucifer pops his wings out and disappears back to hell. Emma has a tear running down her face when she sees the man she loves go back to Hell.

Over the next 5 days, Emma started to feel sick and She didn't know why. She went to work and tried to play off feeling off. Then Amenadiel showed up and said "Hey, Emma. How are you?" Emma smiles and says "Okay, just trying to get all this work in." Amenadiel says "How's Rory doing?" Emma smiles and says "She did great. Lucifer came up to be with her for a day before he decided to stay in hell forever."

Amenadiel says "Winchester, Are you feeling alright? You don't look so good. You hungry, I could take you out for lunch." Emma says "Maybe, I should take a break. Sure let's go." Amenadiel and Emma went to a restaurant and ate there. Emma got a lot of food she was hungry for some reason. Amenadiel says "You alright, Winchester?" Emma says "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just hungry for some reason." Then Emma remembered the night Lucifer came by when they had sex one last time.

Emma said, "Amenadiel, Is it possible I'm pregnant again?" Amenadiel says "That's impossible unless Lucifer came back up. Or you." Emma says "No, Lucifer came back up here for that one night." Amenadiel oh in his head. Emma says "I have to go see if I am. Bye Amenadiel." she leaves, goes to the store, and picks up a pregnancy test. She went home and did the test and She was pregnant again. She left to go see Amenadiel. She got to Amenadiel's home and knocked on the door.

Amenadiel opens the door looks at her and says "You're Pregnant again?" Emma shakes her head. Amenadiel smiles and says "I'll go tell Lucifer, Then." She hands him the pregnancy test and he looks at it to see positive. He smiles and pops his wings open and flies to hell. Lucifer is walking the hallways of hell trying to find out who to help next. Then Amenadiel popped in front of him. Lucifer smiles and says "Ah, Brother. What is the Almighty Amenagod doing down here?"

Amenadiel hands him the Pregnancy test and he looks at it in shock. Lucifer says "She got pregnant again?" Amenadiel shakes his head. Lucifer is trying to hold together and says "Okay, Nice. I'm going to be a father to a child, I'll never meet." and hand the test back. Amenadiel says "Brother, I know you want to be there for Emma and the two kids that are yours. Brother. I'll look after her If it makes you feel better."

Lucifer smiles and says "Yeah. That would be nice, Brother." Amenadiel smiles and says "I'll look after your second Child along with Rory... Hey Brother, If you had a son what would you name him?" Lucifer smiles at what he said and says "Well, I would name him Samael. Maybe he could use the name better than I could. He could be our Lightbringer."

Amenadiel says "I'll tell Emma that, Brother. I'll see you when I see you." Amenadiel leaves for Earth to tell Emma. He appears back at his home hoping Emma is here. He opens the door to see Linda and Emma talking. Emma looks at the door to see Amenadiel and says "What did you tell Lucifer?" Amenadiel says "He's happy, But also sad that he can't be here. He also said when I asked if he had a boy what would he name him and he said Samael."

Emma says "He wants to name our son if he has one. His birth name?" Amenadiel says "Yes. He said "Maybe He could use the name better than I could. He could be our Lightbringer." Emma smiled at that and says "I'll name a boy that, But what if it's another girl?" Amenadiel says "I don't know, Winchester." Emma wondered what to name the child if it was another girl. Over the course of time, Emma found out the gender it was a boy. She thought of a middle name to give him and gave him Damien. Damien Samael Winchester.

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