Chapter 7: Joining The LAPD

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It is early in the morning Damien wakes up and sees Mia next to him and smiles knowing she was right there next to him the conversation they had before they went to sleep started to echo in his head Damien's voice echoes first 'I love you. Even If I don't feel worthy.' Mia's voice echoes next and says 'Good, 'cause I'm not going anywhere.' Damien smiles upon hearing that. He stops remembering what they talked about and looks at her still sleeping. He kissed her neck and then her forehead.

He noticed that his wings were out and that she would be mad if he put them away. He held her for 5 minutes till she woke up. She began to stir in her sleep and walks up to see Damien with a smile on his face. She smiled back and kissed his lips and then kissed his forehead. She noticed that he was fully awake and his wings were still out. She smiles and says "How long have you been up for?" Damien smiles at her and says looking at the clock "Uh, 7 minutes. I got to see you peacefully sleep, which was nice."

She smiles and snuggles into his chest. He holds her while in bed. She gets on top of him and says "So what are we doing today?" Damien says "I was gonna turn in an application for a job." Mia says "Where?" Damien says "LAPD." Mia looks at him, with fear in her eyes not wanting him to do it. Damien says quickly "It's alright, Mia. I'm not going to get hurt." Mia says "You can get killed now, Damien. You're vulnerable." Damien says "I'm vulnerable when you're around, Love." Mia forgot that she just had it in her head that he was vulnerable.

But she forgot she's the one that makes him vulnerable. Damien sees that she forgot and says "What? Do you want to be by my side at work?" Mia cupped his cheek and says "I know I shouldn't, but I want to make sure you come back safe." Damien smiles at her and kisses her and she kisses back more fiercely. They kissed till they ran out of breath. They looked into each other's eyes and they take a deep breath.

They smile at each other and Damien caresses the side of her head. Damien smiles and says "I knew you weren't going to let me go if you didn't so... I got you one." he goes over and grabs her papers he grabs the paper. He hands her the paper. He smiles and says "There, Love. You can fill that out, and when I have to go you'll be going with me." Mia smiles and says "So do we have to go to police school? Or no?"

Damien smiles and says "I don't have to, but you do since I know you've never studied to be a police officer. But don't worry, I'll help you, ok?" Mia smiles and says "Ok. Thank you, Damien." Mia begins to fill out the application and she does that for 20 to 25 minutes. Damien looked at the time and says "Did you fill it out, I got to give mine to Mom and I'm guessing she's gonna want yours too." Mia says filling out the last thing "I did now, Damien."

They go downstairs and outside to his car

They go downstairs and outside to his car

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They get in and drive to the LAPD

They leave for the LAPD Precinct

Damien and Mia walk in and Damien walks up to the desk lady and says "I'm here to see my mother." Desk Lady says "I know, Winchester. She said you'd be by go on and go to her." Damien and Mia walk over to the Lieutenant's Office, Damien, and Mia walk through the door when Damien knocked on the door and heard a 'Come in'. Emma says "Hi, Sammy. Did you fill it out?"Damien hands his paper forward and gives it to his mother and says "Yeah, I did."

Emma smiles at her son and says "Well, It looks like you filled everything out correctly, Sammy." Mia gives her paper to Emma and she looks over it as she did for Damien's paper. Emma says "You filled this out correctly too, Mia." Mia says "Damien helped me fill it out. There were some things I didn't understand, but He helped me understand them." Emma smiled and says "Well since Sammy already went to the police academy, You'll have to do that too." Mia says "Okay, it's no problem."

Emma says "I'm pretty sure, Sammy will help you." Damien says "Well, I promised I would help." Mia grabbed his hand and they held hands. Emma smiled at them and says "Mia, could you give me a moment with Damien?" Mia says "Sure." She kisses Damien's cheek and leaves. Emma says "I see you two are getting along pretty well. It reminds me of Your Dad and me when our relationship started." Damien says "It is, Mom. It's been great. It reminds me of the Relationship I had with Emma, 'til she just left with no explanation."

Emma says "Well, I'm glad that you were able to move on, Honey. And I got something for you." She walks over to her desk and then slides a badge over. Damien says "This is a detective badge, Mom. Shouldn't I be a rookie cop first?" Emma says "You were top of your class, Sammy. Others may act like you're a newbie that somehow got a Detective Badge or they'll think I'm favoring you since you're my son." Damien says "Then why not make me a rookie cop first? I don't want people to make fun of me 'cause they think I'm only a detective due to my mother being the lieutenant."

Emma says "Just take the badge, Detective Winchester." Damien says "Of course, Lieutenant." he grabs the badge and puts it on his belt. Emma smiles and says "Your dad would be proud of you, Sammy." Damien smiled and says "I hope. I'm guessing since you gave me a badge you got a case for me?" Emma says "Your smart. Here." she hands him a file and says "This case is about a girl that went missing, No one has given any demands if she was taken and her parents are worried as well as her daughter."

Damien says "I'll get to it. Is Aunt Ella working the scene where she was in the last?" Emma says "She is, but she hasn't given me any details yet, go on a go see what she found." Damien nods and says "I'll see you later, Mom." He walks out and Mia was waiting for him, then he heard someone say "Look at that, New Detective, Someone is Mommy's favorite." Damien just walked out with Mia and went to where Ella was.

At Williams' House with Ella

Ella was talking with Ms. Williams and they were a knock on the door. They opened it and Ella smiled and said, "Sammy!?" she hugs him and Damien says "Hey, Aunt El." A woman walked over and asks "Are you a cop?" Damien says "It's nice to meet you, I'm Detective Damien Winchester. I'm here to help any way I can." the woman says "Wait. I know you." Damien asks "You do?" the woman says "Damien, It's me. Rose." Damien's eyes pop and said, "Mrs. Williams. Emma, no."

Ella asks "What's going on?" Rose says "Damien used to date, my daughter. Then we pulled her from school and they never saw each other again." Ella saw how Damien was, she pulled him aside and says "Damien, are you okay?" Damien says "I haven't heard from Mrs. Williams since we were 15. And Emma has a daughter?" Rose says "Damien, I can hear you." Damien says "I'm sorry. Do you know where your daughter last was?"

Rose says "Emma gone out for a walk and never came back. She would not do that, and Samantha is here. She wouldn't leave her here too long without her." Then Damien saw a little girl come downstairs and she asks "Are you gonna find my mommy?" Damien bends down and says "I'm gonna try to find her. I promise." Samantha smiled and hugged him. He hugged her back and rubs her back to comfort her. Ella smiled as well as Rose.

Damien gets up and the phone in the house rings, Damien answers it and says "Hello?" a voice says "Is this Damien Winchester?" Damien says "How do you know who I am?" the voice says "I'm Dromos, A demon." Damien says "If you so more than lay a finger on her..." He was facing the wall and his eyes turn red and said, "I'LL KILL YOU." Dromos says "As weak as your father. Did someone take something from you something precious, Prince of Hell?"

Damien says "What do you want Dromos?" He says "You. I want you, so are you willing to trade yourself for her?" Damien says "Fine. If it's me you want. I'll do it. Just let her go." Dromos says "Not 'til you get here." Damien says "Fine. Where?" Dromos says "Meet me at the port where your dad fought with Jacob Tierning's son." Damien says "I'll be there." the call ends and Rose asks "What happened?" Damien says "It's my fault. She was taken because of me. I need to save her." Damien runs past them and Rose yells "Wait!"

Damien looks back and Rose says "I know you didn't mean for this to happen but there's something you should know." Damien says "What?" Rose walks up and says "Samantha is your daughter." Damien says "What?" Rose says "I'm sorry that you found out this way." Damien says "That's why he kidnapped her. Cause she was the mother of my child. That must be the reason she was taken. To hurt me." Damien ran out and drove off in his car.

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