Chapter Fourteen

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CHAPTER FOURTEEN                  THE PANIC        

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CHAPTER FOURTEEN                  THE PANIC        

The funeral feast was outside with a beautiful view over the beach and to the sea. Under other circumstances, Varyna would have maybe found it pretty and had smiled but now there was nothing like a smile for her.

She stood next to her sisters and watched with a little bit of anger her brother Lucerys Velaryon coming to them. She knew it wasn't his or his brother's fault what her mother did or didn't but she still didn't like them.

It just was not right for her that they were loved and raised by their mother and she was not. It's not like she would want to switch Daemon he is the greatest parent anyone had ever met but she thought it was an injustice and it hurt her that her birth mother didn't care about her at all.

When Rhaena took Lucerys hand Varyna just scoffed and walked away with a sour expression. She saw Aemond and Aegon standing near her, she was not sure if she should go there but there was no other option she thought. Her father talked to the king and looked a little bit angry and she didn't want to disturb them.

"My Princes" she walked towards them and stopped next to the older prince. "My Princess" both responded at the same time. Aegon send her a quick smile but Aemond just looked forward a bit very happy to see her. "How have you been these last years?" She asked not sure if she should start a conversation.

"Good" Aegon answered not speaking the whole truth Varyna knew. Aemond just rolled his eyes. Angrily the girl looked at him. "I am- We are very sorry for your loss. Laena was a wonderful woman we believe" the oldest spoke again to take Varyna's attention away from his angry brother.

"Thank you. I appreciate your pity" the girl spoke softly. Her gaze moved to the blond girl sitting on the ground. It was Helaena the only daughter of Queen Alicent. Her once-upon-a-time friend.

She was angry that the girl and Aemond never had answered. But now she didn't care anymore. There were people she was closer to than to them. And she had already lost two of them she doesn't want to have more close ones she could lose.

„So I heard the Princess will marry you Aegon?" the prince just scoffed not very happy. „Yes, Mother and grandsire are thinking it's best to keep our Dragon blood pure. It's not like their Hightowers and don't have pure dragon blood so we don't either. But who cares they aren't listing anyway"

Varyna felt a little bad for the oldest prince. Whenever something came up she could talk to her father about it. Aegon didn't seem to have a parent to help and support him. „I am sorry," she said sadly smiling. „It is fine I'm used to it"

They spoke for a while. But Aemond didn't spike a word one time. He seemed to be mad at Varyna but the girl didn't know what she did.

„Why didn't you come with your dragon?" Aegon asked unknowingly. Varyna stopped breathing and stared at him for some seconds. „He- He is dead" she then whispered and looked down to the ground. Aegon drew in his breath and regretted his question. Also, Aemond looked up and his angry face softened for a second.

„I shouldn't have asked. My apologies Princess" the oldest prince said regretfully. Varyna just nodded and looked into the distance. She still didn't like to talk about her dragon's death and now with also her mother's death, she felt tears coming up whenever someone mentioned the topic.

„I will go inside! Excuse me princes" Varyna spoke and walked inside. She felt a panic coming up and her heart started to race. Everything went blurry when she arrived at her chambers and close to her bed, she broke down. Varyna didn't have enough energy to stand up or just crawl to her bed. The only thing she was able to do was to cry and press her hands on her lungs.

The more tears fell the faster her breath went. It was a sharp pain through in her chest and she felt like she was dying any minute. Varyna felt so uncomfortable and tried to scream for her father but it was hopeless her throat was tight and no sound except quick breaths and sobs came out.

Her heart began to raise at a rate it never had before. She wanted to scream the pain out but she couldn't. It was only her faster and faster getting a breath.

Varyna was about to faint. The feeling of maybe losing herself was heavy on her shoulders and her panic rose. She had a fear to die.

„Varyna?" Daemon came bursting in. He saw his girl sitting right in front of him. Panicking. „Varyna? My dragon? Can you hear me?" tears welled up in his eyes as he saw her shaking and crying. „What happened?" he asked and kneeled before her. Something was very wrong he knew. „Please, my girl! Answer me!"

He heard her whine but she didn't answer.

The blood pounded in Varyna's ears. Her heart thudded in her chest while her hands shook. Her vision was disfigured as if she were looking through a fish-eye lens. She couldn't look at her father. Too afraid of looking into his eyes and not being able to breathe.

„You're scaring me Princess" the rogue prince whispered scared for his daughter.

„Please, tell me what has happened!" he pleaded and his hand reached out for her shoulder.

Varyna shook her head, unable to speak the words. She opened her mouth twice before finally letting out a deep cry of anguish. Tears streamed down her face and she felt Daemon's arm wrapping around her protectively.

He knew it must have something to do with the questions from outside just moments before and he couldn't help but feel a heavy guilt settling in his heart. He wanted to be there for his daughter, wanted to help ease the pain that was overwhelming her now but he was at a complete loss of what to do. All he could do was sit with her and hope that everything would quickly pass over as soon as possible.

Finally, Varyna looked up at him, feeling both relieved and exhausted at the same time. Daemon wiped away some of the tears that had spilled on their cheeks, willing himself not to cry with them too.

„It's ok" he whispered, trying his best to comfort her with his words alone while embracing her closer in comfort and protection. With a quavering voice, Varyna finally managed to open up about what had happened outside earlier, apologizing profusely for scaring him so much due to it.

Daemon held her closer and simply replied, „It's ok, It's ok. I'm here with you."

He lifted her to her bed and sat next to her. "You should sleep my dragon" he whispered and stroked her cheek softly. "Can you stay till I fall asleep?" She asked.

He nodded and stayed with her until she had peacefully drifted into a deep sleep. As he stood up, he leaned over to place a light kiss on her forehead before leaving the room and closing the door silently behind him.

Walking down the hall, Daemon let out a deep sigh, overcome by feelings of guilt for not being able to protect his daughter from whatever had happened outside earlier in the night. As anger began to build up inside him, he quickly put out the flame of his own emotions in order not to scare her further when she finally woke up in the morning. All Varyna needed now was love and protection, something Daemon was more than willing to give her despite any circumstances.

With a heavy heart, he went outside. To the beach to control his anger. Now wasn't the right time. He needed to be strong for his three girls. Especially the oldest who seemed to suffer the most over the death of Laena Velaryon.

Hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating... I'm not feeling well these last days. There are some troubles in my family. But forget about it!

I hope you liked that chapter! Please leave a star and a comment <3

Written 14.04.2023

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