Secrets and Love

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That the memory ended letting everyone sit up and ponder what they heard ...


Severus closed his eyes in shame, deeply regretting his overconfident thoughts from years ago, "You were right, Goremace. I went too deep and couldn't react sooner." He said and internally winced when he opened his eyes to see Harry watching him.

The goblin named Griphook scoffed, "It's very hard to judge considering your mission. At least, you did come to your senses."

Goremace nodded in agreement, "However, I suspect it wasn't a simple wake up call. Exactly what brought you to your senses so suddenly?"

It was a really simple question. Unfortunately, Severus wasn't even sure what happened. There was also no way he wanted to explain such gory details to Harry. In the end, Severus decided on giving with the more tactical version of the truth.

"There were a few reasons. One that's a bit hard to explain, but the other is that Dumbledore used Harry to assassinate a basilisk." Severus explained deliberately using that less haunting experience to avoid the main reason for now. When Harry is safe at home then he'll explain the rest to the goblins later. Thankfully, both goblins understood the subtle message.

Griphook looked at Harry more than a little stunned, "Is this true?"

Harry finally looked away from Severus, "Yes, but I had no choice! That Tom guy-... No, Voldemort, kidnapped Ginny and no one else was going to help!" Harry exclaimed, not thinking that this news would be taken any more seriously than people who have a kink for manipulating children, like the headmaster. The sudden change in the air was enough to prove that, unlike Dumbledore, the goblins and Severus didn't like what they heard.

Severus had to use all of his control just to not let his anger slip into his voice, "Harry ... Can we see any and all memories that involve Dumbledore or you being in danger?"

"Ummm ... Ok. How do I-" Harry suddenly fell silent and shook his head.

After everything that happened today he was a bit overwhelmed. As a result he completely forgot all the rules he broke, but not just that. If it was only him who'd get in trouble that'd be fine, but his friends also helped him. He couldn't get other people in trouble.

Severus smiled, albeit sadly, which was something he hasn't done in a long time, and held the young boy's shoulders, "None of your friends will get in trouble. We need to know exactly what happened. That's all." Severus explained, fighting the urge to say it will help get justice for Lily. As tempting as it was he knew he couldn't promise that and he refused to manipulate the boy by implying that it might.

Harry took a second to think about it before finally nodding, "How do I give them to you?"

Goremace snapped his claws together and a glass orb few into the room, "For a few memories we'd normally use a spell, but I suspect it'd be more than 10 memories with two years of school already so we shall use this."

The orb landed next to the pensieve and Griphook handed it to Harry, "Just think about each memory one at a time and the ball will pull every time you tap its surface with your thumb. Don't worry. It doesn't hurt, there's only a warm buzzing feeling."

The curious young wizard carefully took the clear glass ball and looked at it, "I just need to think and tap, right?"

"Yes. Any memories where you needed help, we're in danger, how you were involved and any strange circumstances or conversations with Dumbledore if you please." Goremace instructed calmly while adjusting the pensieve and putting Lily's memory away for safety.

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