Lily's Buds

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Harry blushed, "Yes, grandma." He mumbled shyly and quickly looked back at the second book that was titled 'Blood & Law' ...


Pages flipped by on their own accord until a particular page was found. A page on guardianships. It detailed what they were supposed to do as a guardian, but something clearly went wrong here. As in, someone abandoned their responsibility and stole instead.

Severus saw the hurt look in the green eyes and nodded, "Yes, if there's an emergency or something a guardian is appointed to care for the finances. Of course, these old families have a thing about blood connections and the guardian would sometimes be blood adopted, but that's considered extreme nowadays ... Unfortunately, the main reason is because the connection through blood didn't stop the betrayal." He explained, pausing to eat his own food.

A solemn smile appeared on Eileen's face, "Since I wasn't actually disowned a guardian was appointed in case I, the heir, returned and none of my family members were there for whatever reason.. It was convenient that right when the guardian came to Gringotts to make arrangements an outbreak happened. My family, who were all potion masters and took turns brewing so no one became tired ... Somehow no one found it strange when the entire Prince family died in a potion explosion as they were helping make potions to help those affected by the outbreak." She said sadly. Despite their differences she loved her family. It hurt that she didn't even know they were gone until she escaped her late husband.

"But you said they were ... How?" Harry asked, his mind spinning as he considered the possibilities.

The witch nodded, "The guardian arranged for 'me' to access Gringotts without being there and he 'went to search for me'." She scowled, clearly furious about what happened long ago. "He vanished. Even the goblins were fooled until we came there. They thought I was the one withdrawing from the account. The entire incident was looked at again ... It was found that someone tampered with the tip of the stirring stick."

Harry cringed in a mix of loss, distaste and heartbreak, "That's heartless."

"Indeed." Severus murmured solemnly. "As for your mother, it seems someone did something similar. A person appeared with the Volel key. Supposedly, it was the descendant of the first chosen guardian. Everything, save for the blood locked vault was removed the exact day your mother was born. The reveals that resulted from our arrival threw everything into question. Both guardians were arrested for other things and these charges were unofficially put on top of that pile. No money, wallets or keys were ever found."

"Dumbledore ... How do you know he's involved?" Harry asked, but a thought suddenly popped in his mind. "Is it the same reason you said earlier? About how he knew about ... Petunia?"

Severus smirked, "Exactly. The goblins knew that Dumbledore had the only access to the school book, which magically notes down information the second a new magical student is born. He knew your mother was born and to what family. A family that, despite disappearing due to disgrace, was very rich. The richest family in magical world, in fact. He also knew I was recently born and my mother would be detained ... It was also interesting that he always got a steady stream of donations, but those things weren't enough. "

Harry's eyes widened, "They asked you to go on the mission!" He exclaimed, thinking that was when it happened.

To be fair, he has already been involved in multiple dangerous incidents at this point and the adults were less than helpful. It wouldn't be that shocking if 2 11 year olds were recruited. However, goblins and others, who are not under Dumbledore's thumb, aren't going to allow that. Least of all Eileen Prince.

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