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The sound of footsteps on the upstairs landing made both men look up just in time to see a red blur move around the corner towards the sounds of the baby's cries ...


"What was that?" Remus whispered, but he started moving to the stairs without waiting for an answer.

Sirius scowled as he glanced around, but upon seeing that Peter was nowhere to be seen he followed, "Harry is fine. I gave him to Hagrid- ..." Sirius blinked, realizing something wasn't right about what he said, but what?

Remus looked at his friend, "This Is an illusion of the past. That Peter wasn't real." Remus said, feeling relieved when Sirius chuckled sheepishly.

All of this was truly a powerful illusion, but clearly wasn't trying to trick them. The fact Sirius was so convinced really showed what Azkaban could do to a person. At least, Remus was foolishly thinking that it was only the trauma from decades in prison and not that Sirius was also a bit stupid as well.

Now that Sirius was aware he was falling for a trap they proceeded up the stairs. However, something Sirius said did concern Remus, though not enough to make him say anything. Whatever issue that was nagging him was swallowed because there were more important things going on right now. It's best not to start anything, especially with a friend.

As the pair climbed the stairs the lights seemed to dim. It didn't get dark enough to hide the red tinged blur of a person's long hair as they went inside the baby's room. The men came up to the door and peered around the door frame to peek inside.

To their shock they saw an angelic Lily dressed in white picking up the baby, who quickly calmed down. For a second they completely zoned out on the tender scene, though for different reasons. Remus seemed deeply saddened by the scene whereas Sirius was annoyed.

After all, Sirius still thought the witch was a traitor much like Peter in her own disgusting way. In fact, Sirius had turned to face Remus fully prepared to ask him to help prank the witch's illusion. That funny suggestion died in his throat when he saw the look on Remus' face. He was truly shocked and confused as to why his friend looked so heartbroken and ... Was it regret in those tear rimmed eyes too?

What snapped them out of it was a book falling off a bookshelf and smacking the floor sharply. That sound was enough for their eyes to break away for a split second. By the time their eyes flickered back, which wasn't even a second, Lily was gone.

"What the bloody hell? Why'd she leave?" Sirius muttered, but then scowled. "Bitch left Harry behind." He whispered and started walking towards the crib where little coos of a child were heard coming from inside the crib. "It's a great illusion." Sirius said wistfully while looking down at the little infant. It seems he completely brushed off the trauma from being trapped in the maze earlier.

"Really?" Remus asked only having gotten a brief smell and glimpse of Harry not long ago.

Sirius smiled, "He looks like James." He said while gently poking the sleeping baby and he waved his other hand to urge his friend to come closer. "See for yourself."

Sirius heard someone step up behind him. He automatically stepped over a little so Remus could get closer. Without looking over Sirius poked the adorable little Harry's cheek.

"If only he didn't have that bitch's eyes." Sirius muttered when Harry inevitably woke up after the first poke. Sirius tried another poke, but wasn't as gentle and sulked when the child started crying.

In an instant everything changed. Sirius shivered as a chill rushed through the room. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a dead, nearly skeletal, hand next to his and he immediately backed away. He froze the second he saw what was actually Lily standing next to him this entire time. However, she looked completely different than before ...

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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